Online registration for 2017 Ward Method courses and Gregorian Chant Practicum now available!
  • Online registration for the 2017 Ward Method courses and Gregorian Chant Practicum at the International Centre for Ward Method Studies located at The Catholic University of America is now available.
    Online registration can be found here:
    For more information on the Ward Centre, please visit: To request a tuition scholarship, please email

    From Justine Ward’s book Thomas Edward Shields: Biologist, Psychologist, Educator (New York, 1947): Next to the teaching of religion, the teaching of music and art constitutes the most important work in the elementary school. The real foundations of character are not to be found in the intellect but in the emotions and the will properly enlightened through the intellect, and it is through music and art that the imagination and the emotions may be reached and effectively developed. (249–50)