Feria V "In Coena Domini" - Song Lists
  • KyleM18
    Posts: 150
    Since these song list posts seem to be making a comeback, thought I'd continue the trend with Holy Thursday.

    St. Joseph's Cathedral, San Diego, CA

    (Note, this is our first year with a music program. Before this past august, all music was just cantor and a piano, the organ had not been touched for over 20 years, and there had been no choir since Vatican II)
    Hymnal: RitualSong Second Edition
    Music Director: Mr. Patrick Robell

    Entrance Hymn: Lift High the Cross
    Kyrie: Vatican Edition XVI
    Gloria: A New Mass for Congregations (Andrews)
    Responsorial Psalm: Our Blessing Cup (Haas)
    Acclamation and Tract: Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations, verse adpt. Myers
    Washing of Feet: O Christe Domine Jesu (Mandatum Verses from RM3, adpt. by Robell)
    Prayers of the Faithful: Oyenos Senor (Bob Hurd)
    Offertory Hymn: Ubi Caritas (Bob Hurd)
    Eucharistic Acclamations: German Mass (Schubert/Proulx)
    Lamb of God: A Community Mass (Proulx)
    Communion Antiphon: Spoken
    Communion Hymn: Panis Angelicus (Fr. Lambillotte)
    Meditation Hymn: We Remember (Marty Haugen)
    Incensing of the Altar: Pange Lingua (Verses 1-4)
    Procession to the Altar of Repose: Jesus, Remember Me (Taize)
    At the Altar of Repose: Tantum Ergo (Verses 5-6)
    During Adoration: Insturmental Music
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Our Lady of Czestochowa, Turners Falls, MA
    St. Cecilia Choir and Choristers
    7:00 PM

    Entrance: Then Let us Glory in the Cross (t: Tetze; m: JESU DULCIS)
    Kyrie:Mass VIII
    Gloria: Mass VIII (NB: after Gloria, all a capella)
    Psalm: Our blessing cup (Rice - English Chant for the Modern Roman Rite)
    Tract: From the Rising of the sun (Carroll - Psalm-tone Propers)
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas (refrain in harmony, as in Adoremus Hymnal)
    Motet (if needed): O Salutaris (la Rue)
    Sanctus: Mass VIII
    Acclamation: We proclaim your death
    Agnus Dei: Mass VIII
    Communion: This is my body (Bartlett - Lumen Christi Simple Gradual)
    Anthem: Twas on that dark, that doleful night (t: Watts; m: Billings - BROOKFIELD)
    Motet: Ave verum corpus-Prima pars (Josquin)
    Hymn: Ach moj Jezu
    Hymn: Cierniami uwieczona
    Procession to the Altar of Repose: Badzze pozdrowiona
    At the Altar of Repose: Tantum Ergo (mode III Pange lingua)
    Stripping of Altars: Jezu Chryste, Panie mily
    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • MarkS
    Posts: 282
    Christ Episcopal Church, Guilford, CT
    Maundy Thursday

    Prelude: Lamb of God, pure, holy ... M. Dupre
    Processional: Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love CHEREPONI
    Kyrie ... J. Merbecke
    Psalm 116:1, 10-17 : Anglican Chant....Woodward
    Sequence hymn: Thou, who at thy first Eucharist did pray SONG 1
    Organ Voluntary at the Foot Washing: Lamb of God, Pure, holy BWV 618 ... J. S. Bach
    Offertory anthem: Ubi Caritas ... O. Gjeillo
    Sanctus: ... J. Merbecke
    Agnus Dei ... J. Merbecke
    Communion voluntary: Lamb of God, pure, holy ... J. Pachelbel
    Communion hymn: My song is love unknown LOVE UNKNOWN
    (Silence during the Stripping of the Altar and exit)
    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,050
    St. Augustine Cathedral, Bridgeport, CT

    Hymn at the Procession: Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER)
    Introit: Nos Autem Gloriari (GR)
    Kyrie: Mass VIII
    Gloria: Mass for Congregations (John Lee)
    Psalm: Our blessing-cup (Theodore Marier - cantor only)
    Gospel Acclamation: Laus tibi, Christe (Parish Book of Chant, 2nd ed., p. 8)
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas (chant)
    Motet at the Offertory: Christus factus est
    Sanctus: Mass VIII
    Memorial Acclamation: Mortem tuam annuntiamus
    Agnus Dei: Mass VIII
    Communion: Hoc corpus with verses (GR)
    Motets at Communion: Panis angelicus - Claudio Casciolini
    Adoro te Domine Jesu Christe - Francisco de Peñalosa
    Procession to the Altar of Repose: Pange Lingua (mode iii chant)
    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • LenaH
    Posts: 34
    St. Patrick Parish-Kokomo, IN

    All Acapella

    Prelude: Adoramus Te-Joncas
    Processional: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (ROCKINGHAM)
    Gloria: Missa Simplex-Proulx
    Psalm Resp: Respond and Acclaim
    Gosp. Accl: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory
    Washing of the Feet 1: Mandatum-Taize
    Washing of the Feet 2: Remember-Wadell
    Offertory 1: Where Charity and Love Prevail (CHRISTIAN LOVE)
    Offertory 2: Ubi Caritas-Durufle
    Sanctus: Missa XVIII (Jubilate Deo)
    Mem. Accl: Mortem Tuam
    Agnus Dei: Missa XVIII (Jubilate Deo)
    Communion 1: SEP, p. 96
    Communion 2: Panis Angelicus-Lambillotte
    Communion 3: O Bone Jesu-Ingegneri/Proulx
    Procession to the Altar of Repose: Pange Lingua

    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California
    Order of Music-April 13, 2017
    Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper

    Introit Antiphon: “We should glory in the cross” Simple Choral Gradual/Rice
    Entrance: LIFT HIGH THE CROSS (Crucifer)

    Opening Rites: LORD, HAVE MERCY/GLORY TO GOD Mass of St. Philip Neri-Jernberg

    Responsorial: OUR BLESSING CUP Hurd

    Gospel Accl.: LENTEN GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Culbreth

    Mandatum: THE WISDOM OF GOD (Heath Morber) UBI CARITAS Joseph Gentry Stephens

    Offertory: UBI CARITAS Plainsong chant

    Eucharistic Accl.: Mass of St. Philip Neri-Jernberg (except “Amen” Giffen)

    Communion Procession: Antiphon: “This is my body…” Hoc Corpus/SEP-Bartlett
    THIS IS MY BODY (Culbreth)

    Communion Anthem: FROM AN UPPER ROOM (Jos. Martin)

    Transfer of Holy Eucharist: PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI plainchant

    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315

    Entrance Antiphon: "Let our glory be in the cross" SEP
    Entrance Hymn: See us Lord, About your Altar
    Gloria: Heritage Mass
    Resp. Psalm: Alstott, Resp & Acclaim
    Gospel Acc: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ (vatican) with choral fanfare
    Washing of Feet: Antiphons from Roman missal as set to chant by fr. weber OSB
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas (Taize) with plainchant verses from roman missal
    Mass Setting: ICEL Chant + Agnus Dei XVIII
    Communion Antiphon: SEP
    Communion: Adoramus Te Christe (Dubuois)
    Communion: Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart)
    Procession: Pange Lingua Mode III
    At altar of repose: Tantum Ergo Mode III
    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Improvisation on Pange Lingua, Mode III
    Nos Autem, GR
    Kyrie and Gloria, Missa Caça, Morales
    Psalm, Keyes
    Acclamation in Spanish, Mode I
    Washing of Feet:
    First two antiphons from GR, Mode IV and II
    LCM antiphon + verses
    Mandatum, Mode III
    Ubi Caritas, Dalitz
    Sanctus, Missa Caça, Morales
    Agnus Dei XVIII
    Hoc Corpus, Mode VIII
    Tristis Est, Cristo
    In Monte Oliveti, Palestrina
    Pange Lingua, Mode III
    Tantum Ergo, Mode III
    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • St. Michael's Cathedral
    Senior Choir (Saturday Group)
    5:30 PM Mass
    Teri Dunn, Conductor
    William O'Meara, Organist

    Prelude: Variations on Adoro Te (St Augustine Organ Book) - Gerald Near

    Processional Hymn: Lift High the Cross - CRUCIFER

    Introit: GR

    Gloria VIII
    Organ is silent after this until the Gloria at the Easter Vigil

    Psalm: Armstrong Refrain, Somerville Verse

    Gospel Acclamation: Adapt. of Vexilla Regis - Chris Ku

    Washing of Feet:
    Mandatum Novum - GR
    A New Commandment - Tallis
    If Ye Love Me - Tallis

    Ubi Caritas - Duruflé
    Ubi Caritas - Responsorial Chant

    Eucharistic Acclamations: Missa Jubilate Deo

    Hoc Corpus - GR
    The Lord is my Shepherd - Psalm from the New Cathedral Gradual
    Ave Verum Corpus à 5 - Gounod (please PM me if you want to see a score, it's PD but not online anywhere)
    Oculi Omnium - Wood

    Procession to the Altar of Repose: Pange Lingua - GR

    Choral Meditation on the Eucharist: Ave Verum Corpus - Byrd

    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    St. David of Wales, Richmond CA

    At that first eucharist UNDE ET MEMORES
    Kyrie & Gloria de angeles (with organ, which then fell silent)
    Calicem salutaris with vv in English & Spanish
    Praise and honor orbis factor (a big lost opportunity, since the Gospel procession was much longer than expected)

    bilingual antiphons at mandatum
    Ubi caritas with vv in English & Spanish
    Sanctus & Agnus orbis factor
    This is my body (American Gradual)
    Draw near and take
    Weave a song/Canta lengua
    Tantum ergo
    Thanked by 2KyleM18 eft94530
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    St Bede's, London
    Maundy Thursday EF
    6pm Mass
    INT.: Nos Autem
    Kyriale Mass IX
    GRAD.: Christus factus est
    Credo: I
    OFF.: Dextera Domine (Palestrina setting)
    Off. hymn: Hymnum Canamus (Ambrosian Vespers Hymn)
    COMM: Dominus Jesus
    Comm. motet: Ave Verum, Byrd
    Pange Lingua gloriosi atrib. Palastrina?
    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    St. Mary's, Tampa

    Introit: We Glory in the Cross (ICH GLAUB AN GOTT/Chepponis)
    Kyrie: Mass XVI
    Gloria: Congregational Mass (2010 revision) with brief organ fanfare before
    Psalm 116: Chepponis/Gelineau
    Gospel Acclamation: "Glory and praise to you..." / "I give you a new commandment..." (Haugen/Leferink)
    Washing of Feet: "Mandatum" (Latona)
    Offertory: "Ubi caritas" (Taize refrain, RM chant verses)
    Sanctus/Mysterium/Amen/Pater Noster: RM chant
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion: "Take and Eat" (Joncas)
    Transfer of the Bl. Sacrament: "Pange lingua/Tantum ergo" (chant)
    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • Holy Week 2017
    Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
    Grand Rapids, Michigan
    High Mass Choir
    Schola Cantorum of the Chair of Saint Peter (Gentlemen)
    Ladies’ Schola Cantorum
    Sacred Heart Academy High School Singers

    Maundy Thursday (Ordinary Form)
    Proper Graduale Romanum (1970)
    Hymn Father, we thank thee who hast planted (Rendez a Dieu)
    Ordinary Missa Ferialis (sixteenth-century Spanish)
    Gloria Missa de Angelis
    Antiphon Ubi caritas
    Motet Ave verum corpus (Byrd)
    Hymn Godhead here in hiding (Adoro te devote)
    Procession Now, my tongue (Pange lingua)
    Motet Tantum ergo (Victoria)
    Thanked by 1KyleM18
  • St. Theresa - Trumbull, CT (USA)
    Thursday of the Lord's Supper
    April 18, 2019

    Processional: Lord Who at Thy first Eucharist (UNDE ET MEMORES)
    Introit: Nos autem gloriari - Mode iv (chanted in English)
    Kyrie: Missa de angelis (Mass VIII)
    Gloria: by Julian Revie (from Mass of the Divine Shepherd)
    Responsorial: "Our blessing cup" (Theodore Marier)
    Verse at the Gospel: "I give you a new commandment"
    At the Washing of the Feet:
    Antiphon: Postquam surrexit (in English)
    Ubi caritas (Ola Gjello)
    Choral Anthem at the Offeratory: In monte Oliveti (Giovanni Croce)
    Sanctus: Missa de angelis
    Memorial Acclamation: Mortem tuam
    Agnus Dei: Missa de angelis
    Communion: Antiphon: Hoc corpus (in English)
    Petit choir meditation: Ave verum corpus (Camille Saint Saëns)
    Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament: Pange lingua gloriosi (chant)
    Hymn at the Altar of Repose: Tantum ergo sacramentum (ST. THOMAS)