Lenten Gospel Acclamation
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Our parish uses OCP's Respond and Acclaim for the Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation. For the Gospel Acclamation, I've been using the Alleluias from the Graduale Simplex and just pointing my own version of the Psalm every week. With Lent approaching, I don't want to go back to their "Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory", but I'm not yet ready to go a Tract.

    Any suggestions for something else that would allow a congregational response?
  • Jscola30
    Posts: 116
    Worship III (and the Grail Lectionary Psalter Book) has some that go to the tune of the Kryie Orbis Factor.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    I wrote one to the tune of Attende Domine that we have used (with very successful congregational participation,) for three years, but I admit it was just a stealth way of teaching them Attende Domine.
    Parce is next.....shhhhhh!

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • Here's a routine reminder: Critique principles, not people.
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    G, that's a great idea! What was the text?
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    "Praise and honor to you, Lord ___, Jesus Christ, King ____ of end___less glo___ry"

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,795
    I too use the Orbis Factor exclamation. It's a good way to teach people the melody and it can be done a capella as well.
  • Is everyone aware of the official texts of the Lenten acclamations? Here they are.
    Thanked by 1marymezzo
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    I had no idea there were so many, thank you Dr Ford.
  • This year we are going to use a Lenten Acclamation by Richard Proulx "Glory to
    you, O Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ!" c. 1975, GIA. It is #408 in the RitualSong
    Hymnal. It is in D minor, well written and not difficult to enhance with a simple fauxbourdon for the verses.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Thank you! I've had real trouble trying to find these in the past.
  • a1437053a1437053
    Posts: 198
    Where is the link, for 2009!