Our parish uses OCP's Respond and Acclaim for the Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation. For the Gospel Acclamation, I've been using the Alleluias from the Graduale Simplex and just pointing my own version of the Psalm every week. With Lent approaching, I don't want to go back to their "Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory", but I'm not yet ready to go a Tract.
Any suggestions for something else that would allow a congregational response?
I wrote one to the tune of Attende Domine that we have used (with very successful congregational participation,) for three years, but I admit it was just a stealth way of teaching them Attende Domine.
Parce is next.....shhhhhh!
(Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
Here's a routine reminder: Critique principles, not people.
This year we are going to use a Lenten Acclamation by Richard Proulx "Glory to
you, O Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ!" c. 1975, GIA. It is #408 in the RitualSong
Hymnal. It is in D minor, well written and not difficult to enhance with a simple fauxbourdon for the verses.
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