Fort Worth CMAA Chapter?
  • I am a bit envious of the group in the Washington/Baltimore area. Is there similar interest by members in the Fort Worth, TX area?

    You could email me separately at j_gorbitz at yahoo dot com if you would rather not post here.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Good idea, janet. Go for it! We can also excahnge ideas.

    Your envious Wash/ Arl/Balt chapter.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    I have a sort of an idea, I hope it's an ok one.
    Maybe you can find out which parishes offer EF mass in that area (you know there is a list of the catholic churches in the internet, and they have mass schedules and say latin mass etc.), and send them invitations. Also ask them whether they know any parishes interested in developing sacred music in their parishes. Sometimes you have to go out and invite them, like you did when you recruited your schola members. (although this time it has to be done in a bigger scale. I'm sure the scope of your work will get bigger and bigger.) I think there are musicians and parishes interested in sacred music, looking for support and resources. I don't know how I found CMAA web, but I didn't know about this until last year. (whenever I research articles on Gregorian chant, Jeffrey's name pops up. I was wondering who this guy was until I saw him with a bow tie in Chicago) I sort of tried 'chant Intensive' without knowing much about it. nobody told me about it. I just did it on my own. Somehow I saw it and looked 'ok,' so I did. And then you know what happended, you were there, it continues. ..
    My point is that there are people out there who don't know that there is a great place like this exists.
  • It looks like Fort Worth (Dallas isn't that far) folks are staying in the woodwork... perhaps I shall have to go out and dig them out :)
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592

    are you familiar with ralph march at UD? he was major CMAA leader years ago. perhaps his students?
  • I live out so far west of Ft. Worth that I must admit I haven't yet ventured over to UD. Life (whilst homeschooling two little ever-present boys) gets busy... I was hoping (ever the optimist) there might be some local area forum lurkers who might pipe up :)
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Are you going to chant workshop? They might have email addresses. Also some of your schola members might want to help you? (Just a thought.)
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,473
    I know of quite a number in the Houston area that wpuld be interested. GH
  • GH... that would be so great! Perhaps there could be some collaboration on planning events for training and workshops to continue the effort in the "Lone Star State". From having driven down your way this weekend, we know that it takes about 5 hours of driving to get one way... (but of course it was well worth it -- those from my schola here who attended enthusiastically agree with me).
  • I'm in.
  • Did everyone notice Dr. Mahrt's workshop to be held in Dallas this coming weekend for Renaissance Polyphony at University of Dallas? See the link here:

    I can't go... husband's schedule won't allow for it... but I am sure it will be great!