Can anyone help me choose a choral piece for Lent?
  • daniel
    Posts: 75
    What would be a good chant or two part polyphonic choral piece in Latin or in English/Spanish that could be used throughout Lent as sort of an "anthem" during the Offertory or after Communion? Thank you.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    How about chanting the Lenten Marian antiphon, Ave Maria Coelorum?
  • Lassus, Qui vult venire post me

    (But it's in partbook format and does not include bar lines.)
  • Attende Domine. Catchy tune.
  • I believe Richard Proulx did a good edition of the Obrecht "Parce Domine."
  • paul
    Posts: 60
    I vote for Attende Domine. This chant should be in the repertoire of EVERY church.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Here is a transcription of Qui vult venire post me for your use.

    NOTE: Having trouble getting the file to upload to the forum... so go here:
  • (deleted post)
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205

    Thanks for the transcription! Typo at m. 69 bass: "di - cit".
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882

    so sorry! do you have acrobat? you can probably fix it yourself! otherwise, let me know and i will fix it here.
  • Chris
    Posts: 80

    I echo Dan and also offer my thanks. It was most timely - we sang it yesterday morning at our EF Mass; it was the appointed Communio for St. Valentine. :-)

  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    wow.. you must have a pretty good choir to pull that off that fast... send a recording so we can hear it!
  • Chris
    Posts: 80
    There were only four of us from the Schola present at the EF Mass yesterday morning (Sat.), but we were able to read through it a few minutes beforehand, and were thus able to make it work. I'd be happy to record it later this week when I see the guys again and post it, but someone will have to tell me how. I'm afraid I'm pretty dreadful when it comes to technologically related things. I do have a digital recorder, though.