I'm putting together my summer continuing education plans and am hoping Forum members might have some experience or knowledge of the workshops and seminars listed below. I have the official information about all of them, but am hoping to find out a little more before committing my time and money.
[1] McGill Summer Organ Academy [2] Westminster Conducting Institute (James Jordan, et al.) [3] East Carolina Summer Choral Conducting Institute [4] Eastman Choral Institutes
Thanks for any thoughts you have. Feel free to email me directly at [my first initial][my last name] {at} ubalt {dot} edu
Dr. William Tortolano is teaching a six-day class from May 31-June 5 at Enders Island in Mystic, Connecticut: http://www.endersisland.com/node/898. I took his chant express weekend a few years ago and enjoyed it and am considering taking his advanced weekend class in April. Dr. Tortolano is extremely knowledgeable and the setting is gorgeous.
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