All-in-one: Does anyone have a chant setting?
  • For those of you who don't know, three bishops of the peripheries have called upon the faithful to engage in a spiritual campaign to assist the Holy Father.

    This campaign involves praying: Oremus pro Pontifice, Tu es Petrus, and et portae inferi.

    I know those as three separate chants. Do they exists within a single chant, beyond what one might use for a collect?
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,168
    I know my knowledge of geography is not what it used to be, so please - where are the peripheries? Is that an island archipelago?
  • B.H. Cordova,

    The three bishops are the retired ordinary, the present ordinary and the Auxillary bishop of a diocese in Kazakhstan, which I may not have spelled properly. When we think of the center of the Catholic world, this is about as far from it as one can imagine.

    Of the three, I think the only one known outside of Kazakhstan is Bishop Athanasius Schneider.

    I mention the peripheries, though, for another reason. His Holiness is fond of speaking of the peripheries. Geographically, culturally I would think central Asia counts, so maybe we should be listening more to them.

    Now that I've answer that, though, do you have a copy of one chant?
  • RevAMG
    Posts: 162
    I've never seen them myself in a single chant. It reminds me of a song (attached) that I found in an old hymnal at a retreat center one time:
    Long Live the Pope.pdf
  • One way to combine them would be to sing the Oremus chant with the Tu es Petrus (Mt. 16:18) as a verse. The attached uses mode I to agree with the Oremus chant, but also mode III which seems a better match tonally.
    Thanked by 2RevAMG Paul F. Ford
  • Richard,


    May I suggest that you forward this to Fr. Zuhlsdorf and any other person sympathetic to the cause so that we can have many people actively participate in this effort?
  • Feel free to pass it along to whoever you think might be interested.