Magnificat setting in English with modern notation
  • I am seeking a print-ready Magnificat(Gospel Canticle) in English with modern notation. This would be used in a program with the Liturgy of the Hours for a gathering of priests. I would appreciate any assistance.
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
  • RevAMG
    Posts: 162
    In addition to Richard Rice's setting at the bottom of the thread above (which I prefer), Dom Laurence Bévenot, OSB composed a through-composed setting of the Magnificat when the new English translation of the Liturgy of the Hours came out. It's attached below. Bévenot also composed a tonal version which is also attached.

    Finally, even though you requested something in modern notation, Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB's Hymnal for the Hours has nicely composed settings of the Magnificat in it; however, they are in neumes. At least in my diocese, priests have no difficulty in reading neumes for chanting the Office, regardless of their age or disposition.
    Canticle of Mary.pdf
    Canticle of Mary Tonal.pdf
  • RevAMG
    Posts: 162
    There is also Brother Howard Hughes, SM's psalm tone for the Canticle of Mary (ICEL, 1992). You would need to point the Magnificat in the program for this tone.

    With some finagling, you could use the Magnificat tones from Sung Vespers (Order of St. Benedict (Collegeville), 1968). These tones are attached.

    1453 x 439 - 8K
    Magnificat Tones.pdf
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford