Being too picky about inserts?
  • TeresaW
    Posts: 42

    I'm wondering, I have an insert in our hymnals, and on one side it says to "insert this page into back of hymnal" which people do... right side up so the music is covered... or they just stuff the whole double-fold insert into the back, which is not good because I'll have a single sheet in there soon.

    I want to make an announcement about it or remind people after the final dismissal, but I don't want to come across as too picky or annoying.

    Helpful thoughts??
  • TeresaW
    Posts: 42
    I should also mention this is at a Catholic Church. Thanks!
  • Teresa,

    I'm confused, so I have a hunch that the congregation is, too.

    I have only one piece of advice: don't give the reminder not to be late at the beginning of class.
  • TeresaW
    Posts: 42
    Yes, I'm straying away from that as well. I guess it's a bit messy to ask people to re-insert things when the design is not 100% clear - I was considering taping it down so it would discourage people from taking the insert out as it unfolds like a book....

    They put the sleeves for the inserts in backwards when they did the hymnals so that paper fans to the right instead of opening in the same direction as the rest of the music in the hymnal...
  • TeresaW
    Posts: 42
    That's why I was just going to ask them not to take the inserts out - I've re-inserted them all...
    But then you know, that isn't foolproof ;)