The most wonderful organ...
  • francis
    Posts: 10,866
    ... in which I had the honor and pleasure to have as my instrument for the liturgy of the RCC for a year in my life not too long ago. I miss it greatly...

    Near heaven I was...

    The specifications can be found here:

    I am including the second postlude of the final liturgy (a work by JSB) which I arranged and performed here. (I played a delicate mordent on the very last note in the pedal part, almost like doing a sign of the cross with the feet, if that were possible.)

    video of score here:

    See and Hear
    1200 x 800 - 187K
  • I will join in the chorus of praises for Pasi's work. I have, since the early sixties, played organs all over the eastern half of the US and Canada, some of which were like soul mates that I could hardly bear to tear myself away from, but my favourite of all, without question, is the Pasi at Houston's Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. We have another, much smaller Pasi at Houston's First Lutheran Church, which is about a mile from the co-cathedral.

    Other fine instruments in Houston are by Fritts, Fisk, Aeloian-Skinner, Letourneau, Shantz, Rieger, Fisk-Rosales, von Beckerath, Casavant, Noack - and, we HAD a fine Holtkamp (1954 III-45) until reuter last year 'refurbished' it, gutting the original tonal design and, I suppose one might say 'fleshing it out', for $800,000.

    My dream for Walsingham is that we will one day have a Pasi or a kindred instrument.
  • MarkS
    Posts: 282
    Beautiful, and a lovely instrument.
  • Francis, I read your feedback with a mixture of delight and disappointment: delight insofar as the instrument is lovely; disappointment as I consider this beauty to be 'the one that got away', as I was pushing very hard for a particular parish to purchase it a few years ago.

    Have you played any of Ahrend the younger's work, out of curiosity?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,866

    I've not heard of him. Is he on IMSLP?