Conference at Dunwoodie - Gregorian Chant in Pastoral Ministry and Religious Education
  • I wanted to pass this along here in case you haven't already received a mailing about this conference we'll be hosting at St. Joseph's Seminary (Dunwoodie) in New York. The deadline for proposals (Monday, Oct. 24th) is quickly approaching.

    Call for Participation – National Conference
    Gregorian Chant in Pastoral Ministry and Religious Education
    Friday, March 10 – Saturday, March 11, 2017
    St. Joseph’s Seminary (Dunwoodie), Yonkers, New York

    What role does the Church’s treasury of sacred music play in contemporary pastoral ministry and religious education? How does one build a sacred music program of excellence which serves as an integral part of the sacred liturgy and is also effective both in drawing souls to Christ and forming people in the Catholic faith? This national conference will bring together clergy, seminarians, scholars, musicians, teachers, and Catholic school administrators to consider the place of Gregorian chant and excellent choral music in the life of the Catholic Church in America today. The conference seeks to inspire attendees with ideas for starting or continuing to develop sacred music programs of excellence in Catholic parishes and schools. The conference organizers also hope to encourage discussion about the vitality and necessity of beauty and sacred music in the catechesis and formation of Catholics, as well as in the evangelization of non-Catholics and non-practicing Catholics.

    This two-day conference will feature:
    -Keynote addresses (Msgr. Robert Skeris, Mr. Mark Langley, Fr. Christopher Smith)
    -Presentations, workshops, and panel discussions on topics related to the conference theme
    -Masses and the sung Divine Office with distinguished children’s and parish choirs
    -Opportunities for informal discussions

    The conference committee welcomes proposals for presentations, workshops, teaching demonstrations, panel discussions, and concerts related to the conference topic. Concerts may be 30–45 minutes in length, while all other sessions will be 30–45 minutes in length plus 15–30 minutes for discussion for a total of one hour.

    Topics arising from the theme include, but are not limited to:
    -The role of beauty or sacred music in conversion, evangelization, formation, or catechesis
    -The sacred liturgy as it relates to conversion, evangelization, formation, or catechesis
    -The place of the treasury of sacred music in the contemporary Church or modern society
    -Historical studies of specific parishes, schools, or institutions of excellence
    -Detailed expositions of contemporary successful sacred music programs
    -Practical issues in the development of parish sacred music programs
    -Building choral programs in multi-lingual parishes
    -Building sacred music programs in parishes with limited financial resources
    -Vernacular-language chant and polyphony
    -Methods for recruiting and retaining excellent musicians and teachers
    -Training Catholic school teachers in sacred music
    -Music curriculum and standards in Catholic schools
    -Choral programs for children and choir schools
    -Historical studies of pedagogical methods
    -The Ward method
    -Performances of sacred music which relate to the conference theme

    The deadline for proposals is October 24, 2016.

    Proposals are to be submitted via email to Dr. Jennifer Donelson at

    For presentation, workshop, teaching demonstration, and panel discussion proposals (30–45 minutes in length plus 15–30 minutes for discussion for a total of one hour), please send an e-mail including:
    1. Title and Abstract (250 word maximum)
    2. Your name and affiliation
    3. Your phone number and email address
    4. Bio (250 word maximum)
    5. A brief bio of the group of students (teaching demonstrations only)

    For concert proposals (30–45 minutes in length), please send an e-mail including:
    1. Selections to be included on the program (including title, composer, and length of each piece)
    2. A 100 word abstract (for lecture recitals only)
    3. Your name and affiliation, as well as the name and affiliation of each performer/ensemble
    4. Your phone number and email address
    5. Your bio (250 word maximum)
    6. A brief bio of each performer/ensemble included in the recital program (100 word maximum)
    7. One or two recordings in mp3 format which demonstrate a recent performance. The selections need not necessarily be recordings of the pieces proposed for the conference recital program. Attachment limit: 8 MB.)
    8. Performance space requirements (instrumentation, configuration, need for music stands and chairs, etc.)

    Performances will take place in the chapel of St. Joseph’s Seminary. If submitting a recital program for compositions other than those for organ, recitalists must provide all performing personnel (e.g. choir, string ensemble, etc.) No piano, musical instruments (other than organ), or sound amplification will be provided for the recitals, except for a microphone for the presenter speaking during the recital if requested. The organ at St. Joseph’s Seminary is a three-manual, 41-rank Casavant, the specifications of which may be found here:

    The conference committee invites presentations in English or Spanish.

    Presenters must register for the conference ($75) and will be responsible for their own expenses.

    Click here for a downloadable PDF of this Call for Participation.

    Questions regarding the conference may be directed to Jennifer Donelson via email or phone:
    (914) 968–8212
  • JahazaJahaza
    Posts: 470
    Maybe next year when I'm not thesisizing. :-/
  • Deadline for proposals is today!
  • Looks great!
  • Registration and the complete conference schedule are now available on the conference website.

    Registration deadline: Wednesday, February 1.

    National Conference: “Gregorian Chant in Pastoral Ministry and Religious Education”
    Friday, March 10 – Saturday, March 11, 2017
    St. Joseph’s Seminary (Dunwoodie), Yonkers, New York

    This two-day conference will feature:
    Keynote addresses by Msgr. Robert Skeris, Fr. Christopher Smith, and Mark Langley
    Presentations, workshops, and panel discussions on topics related to the conference theme
    Masses and the sung Divine Office with distinguished children’s and parish choirs
    Opportunities for informal discussions

    Presentation abstracts available here.

    Presenters include: Dr. Mary Jane Ballou, Dr. Francis Brancaleone, Mary Ann Carr Wilson, Heitor Caballero, Colleen Crafton, Fr. Richard Cipolla, Dr. Jennifer Donelson, Fr. David M. Friel, Raymond Henderson, Dr. Aaron James, Fr. Robert Johansen, Lisa Knutson, Nathan Knutson, Alexis Kutarna, Frs. Robin Kwan and Kevin Mann, SJC, Dr. Ann Labounsky, Nicholas Lemme, Mary Catherine Levri, Dr. Crista Miller, Joel Morehouse, James Monti, Dr. Jared Ostermann, Kurt Poterack, Dr. Ronald Prowse, Laurence Rosania, Jonathan Ryan, Dr. Samuel A. Schmitt, Fr. Innocent Smith, OP, Students of the Atonement Academy, Dr. Jay Swain, Fr. Jon Tveit, Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth, The Ward Centre of Richmond, Virginia, Nicholas Will, Gustavo Zayas, and Amy Zuberbuler.

    Presenter bios available here.
  • We've updated the topics and abstracts list:

    Among others, topics include:
    Sacred Music in Spanish-Speaking Communities
    Chant Camp for Parishes
    Pastoral Care of Musicians
    Pastoral Implications of Vernacular Chant
    Parish Youth Orchestra and Conservatory For a Diverse Neighborhood
    Mystagogical Catechesis and Sacred Music
    The Schola Cantorum as an Integral Part of the Catholic School
    A Practical Perspective in Starting an After-school Children’s Choir Program
    Gregorian Chant as a Unifying Force in Multiethnic Parishes
    Liturgical Formation in Catholic Schools
    Forthcoming English Translations of Hymnody of the Liturgy of the Hours
    Musical Literacy and Liturgy
    The Role of Beauty and Chant in Spiritual Formation
    The Dollars and “Sense” of Catholic Education
    Training Choristers according to the English Cathedral Tradition and Royal School of Church Music
    Liturgical Formation in Catholic Schools
    Gregorian Chant in a Small Rural Parish
    The Ward Method of Music Instruction
  • We're happy to announce our liturgical program for the conference. We'll send along more updates early next week.

    The registration deadline is fast approaching - Feb. 1st!

    More info here.

    Solemn lauds, vespers, and Mass will be celebrated each day of the conference.

    Friday, March 10th

    Solemn Lauds (9:30)
    sung in adapted English chant
    Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth, celebrant
    Mueller Family Schola, Christopher Mueller, director, composer

    Solemn Mass (noon)
    with Gregorian propers and ordinary, polyphonic motets
    Fr. Jon Tveit, celebrant
    Fr. Christopher Smith, homilist
    St. Joseph’s Seminary Schola Cantorum, Dr. Jennifer Donelson, director
    Peter Carter, organist

    Solemn Vespers (5:45)
    sung in Gregorian chant
    Fr. David Friel, celebrant
    Nathan Knutson (musical direction) and Mary Ann Carr Wilson, cantors

    Saturday, March 11th

    Solemn Lauds (8:30)
    Celebrant TBA
    Musicians TBA

    Solemn Mass (11:45)
    with Gregorian propers, polyphonic ordinary and motets
    Celebrant and homilist, TBA
    Schola Cantorum of St. Vincent Ferrer, James Wetzel, director and organist

    Solemn Vespers (6:45)
    sung in English chant adapted from the Dominican rite
    Fr. Innocent Smith, OP, celebrant and composer
    Mary Catherine Levri, organist
  • I just saw this. I would be happy to attend the conference but I am too far. I am in the Philippines. I hope the organizer will publish the conference proceedings and make it available for purchase or article download maybe.
  • I am registered and have my lodging for two nights. Unfortunately, I will need to skip the last Liturgy to get to Newark Airport for a 7:45 flight. The quickest way is probably taxi. Is anyone else in the same situation and would like to share a taxi?