Installation of our new Bishop
  • We’ve had a marathon here in Memphis for the last couple of months as we prepared for the installation of our new bishop, Bishop Martin Holley (formerly an auxiliary in D.C.). That happened last night and today, so I thought it would nice to share the programs and music lists for discussion, or future reference of someone preparing for one of these events in the future.

    We had a 45 member diocesan choir, organ, brass quartet and timpani for the vespers (held at the Cathedral), and an 80 member diocesan choir, organ (rented) and chamber orchestra (1111.2211.timp.22221) for the installation (held at the local convention center).

    Attached to the post are the programs (sans covers, which were linen with the diocesan crest stamped on them). Also attached is the Magnificat antiphon from Vespers. Too often, when a “composed” Magnificat is done, the antiphon ends up being omitted, or spoken, or somehow “lost.” While the specific setting that was requested did not directly allow for the proper antiphon (which was a mouthful), I wrote a choral antiphon that led directly to the refrain of the setting, and then would pick up right at the end for the repeat of the antiphon. It was sung a cappella by the choir. Maybe it was a good idea, maybe not—this was the first time I've tried it, as it was the first time I've been asked to accommodate a specific Magnificat AND the proper antiphon. It's usually either or, and I can compose something specific to the event.


    Simon, Son of John — Leo Nestor (EC Schirmer) I can’t recommend this piece highly enough. Stunning text painting, and use of the colors of the voice and organ. Check out the recording on the MorningStar website.

    Additionally, the brass quartet played a few instrumental selections from various online sources (Werner Icking, etc…)

    Ecce Sacerdos Magnus — Thomas Niel (GIA G-7528) This fit the bill perfectly for something dramatic to play when our new bishop first opened the door of the Cathedral.

    Antiphons by Toolan and moi, verses by St. Meinrad (specifically, the “volume 2” tones) and Peter Latona.

    One of my common responsories with the proper text adapted. Originally scored for Organ, Oboe & Horn, was executed with Organ, Trumpet and Bass Trombone.

    Proper antiphon newly composed for this occasion, and made to flow directly into and out of the requested Magnificat—which was the Chepponis (sung to the original text, not the edited version currently available)

    Our Father:

    Marian Antiphon:
    Salve Regina, the "usual”, with Organ accompaniment from OCP keyboard accompaniment.

    Allegro Moderato Maestoso — F. Mendelssohn (organ, brass quartet, timpani)

    Installation Mass

    Psalm 100 — Knut Nystedt (Walton Music/GIA)
    Enigma Variations - Nimrod — Elgar (IMSLP)
    Strength for Service — Leo Nestor (EC Shirmer)
    There’s A Wideness In God’s Mercy — Hampton version (GIA)
    Prelude, fr. 12 pieces for organ — Dubois

    Hymn for the Holy Year — Paul Inwood We did this a bit differently... Firstly, I split all of the "verses" in half, so there were 8 verses instead of 4, and then we alternated English and Spanish, so there were really 16 verses. I think we only used about 10. Also, I fully orchestrated it—it really doesn’t sound much like the original at all.

    Glory to God:
    Festal Gloria — Don Fellows (MorningStar) I think this setting would be totally impractical for a setting where there was just cantor/organ, and typically we only do through composed settings, but because of the diverse nature of the assembly for the event, a refrain gloria was requested, and I couldn’t think of a better one. Very fun to do.

    Responsorial Psalm:
    Psalm 89 — Barbara Goldsmith & Marc Cerisier This is a setting we’ve used many times over the years for our Chrism Mass

    Gospel Acclamation:
    Festival Alleluia — Jim Chepponis (MorningStar)

    Universal Prayer Response:
    O Lord, Hear My Prayer — Marc Cerisier

    Preparation of the Altar and Gifts:
    Love Is His Word — Hampton, arr. Proulx (WLP) So nice to have time to do all 7 verses. The strings doubled the organ, and the flute played the written part.

    Holy, Mystery of Faith, Amen:
    Mass for the City — Proulx (GIA) Not the "fun" Amen, but the one that sounds like the Holy.

    Lamb of God:
    Missa de Angelis

    1. I Will Sing Forever Of Your Mercies, O Lord — Norm Gouin (MorningStar) Proper communion antiphon for Chrism Mass, but our new bishop’s motto is “His Mercy Endures”, so that was a major influence.
    2. In the Breaking of the Bread — Ward (a request of the Bishop)
    3. Cantemos al Amor &mdash Traditional
    4. Ubi Caritas — Duruflé

    Sadly, 1 & 2 were plenty to cover distribution of communion to 3,000, and we didn’t make it to the Duruflé.

    Communion “Meditation”
    Ave Maria — Biebl (by request. SAT/SATB version)

    O God, Beyond All Praising — arr. Proulx, orch. Palmer (GIA) Found out, quite by accident, that an orchestration is now available for this, so that saved a ton of time. I don’t agree with all of the decisions made by the orchestrator, but I didn’t have to do it, so I really can’t complain.

    First Movement of Mendelssohn’s First Symphony (IMSLP) A fun piece, that—for timing’s sake didn’t require the timpani to re-tune, for time’s sake would nicely cover opening the wall to the reception space, and for convenience sake, was scored for an orchestra more in keeping with what I was working with.

    Magnificat Antiphon - Choir.pdf
    Installation Mass.pdf
    Installation Vespers.pdf
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    Marc, are these particular Psalms and Antiphons prescribed for the Vespers? Is it related to the Common of Pastors? Or is their law about this, and where can I find it?
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    Kathy - it looks to me that Vespers was celebrated on the Feast of St. Luke, which has these specific antiphons with the Psalms coming from the Common of Apostles. So given it was a feast day, I don't think there was much choice.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    Great, thanks!
  • Marc Cerisier
    Posts: 545
    I can confirm that what Caleferink said above is correct.

  • Liam
    Posts: 5,136
    It's so much more difficult to install a bishop without hex wrenches and keys.
  • Ali
    Posts: 31
    Your program looks beautiful!

    I comment because I work in the Archdiocese of Washington and so know and have been to liturgies presided over by Bishop Holley. I am the DM at a smaller, country parish in Southen Maryland and had the occasion to cantor our confirmation Mass last spring. Everything that could embarrassingly go wrong on my part did and my pastor was absolutely furious with me. (Forgot the Gloria, no music was planned during the confirmations). Anyway, I was utterly relieved when he was assigned to Memphis only because I never want that anxiety again!

    But truly, he's a good man and I look forward to seeing good things from him in his new placement :-).
  • Marc Cerisier
    Posts: 545
    Thank you for the kind words, Ali.

    Liam, there is absolutely nothing easy about installing a bishop...
