Setting of Psalm 131 v 1,2,3 for Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux (and other music?)
  • Does anyone have a setting of Psalm 131 vs 1,2,3 for the Feast of St. Therese? I recently started work at a Carmelite Parish (St. Therese) and any and all input on your experience of special Carmelite music would be greatly appreciated. (Yes, we sing Flos Carmeli)
  • There is a place on the Musica Sacra site which has a number of Carmelite books.

    The Proprium Missarum et Officiorum O. C. D. (1959) has a chant in honor of St. Therese on p. (224), Salve Carmeli gloria, o Theresia, which I would recommend.

    A translation I have done of it would be:

    Hail, thou glory of Carmel, O Thérѐse
    Virgin spouse and dearest, O Blessed.

    Thou wast as a lily, O Thérѐse
    Which the cloister breathéd, O Blessed.

    Now, O Virgin’s flow’ret, O Thérѐse
    Flower’st thou for ever, O Blessed.

    Suppliant we pray thee, O Thérѐse
    Look upon us kindly, O Blessed.

    Perfect make thy promise, O Thérѐse
    Smile upon our prayers, O Blessed.

    And from Heaven’s mansion, O Thérѐse
    Scatter flow’rs of roses, O Blessed.

    Hail, thou glory of Carmel, O Thérѐse
    Help thy comrades nearest, O Blessed.
  • CGM
    Posts: 708
    I arranged a setting of the Carmelite hymn "Salve, Mater misericordiæ" which we sang at WYD this year. Check it out here. I'd be happy to send you the score, if you're interested. Refrain: SATB; Verses: SSA. The orchestra is doubling the vocal lines; the piece could be done a cappella, or with organ accomp., or with various instruments (as it is here).
  • I've attached the Psalm I wrote back when I was at Little Flower in Baltimore.
    If you're looking for other texts, I know the Carmelites have composed some wonderful texts that are found in their office booklets somewhere online. I believe the two titles I always used were "Therese the Flame of Love Bright" and "Saint Therese the Little Flower"
    Psalm 131.pdf
  • Thank you all, I've been looking for an SATB version of Salve Mater, and I can make use of all your contributions!