Gloria a Dios X
  • I've just started playing with the Spanish ICEL Gloria, reordering the gratis agimus tibi and otherwise streamlining the gregorian Mass X. Since my notions of sung Spanish are almost entirely secondhand from Fr Krisman's work, I'd be grateful for notes on where an Italian accent might be betrayed, as well as my more obvious mistakes!

    Is there a more graceful way of showing elisions in Gregorio? If I use ‿ instead of _ the spacing gets weird and y en becomes a single word...

    user-notes: ICEL 2010 ;
    commentary: Misa X Alme Pater;
    annotation: I;
    centering-scheme: english;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    Glo(j)ria_a(hg) Dios(g) en(e) el(f) cie(gh)lo,(g. ::) y_en(e) la(f) tie(g)rra(h) paz(g.) a(e) los(f) hom(e)bres(d) que_a(g)ma_el(f) Se(h)ñor.(h.g. ::) Por(g) tu_in(h)men(ji)sa(h) glo(ij)ri(hg)a(g. ::) te(j) a(j)la(h)ba(i)mos,(g. ::) te(g) ben(f)de(e)ci(fg)mos,(g. ::) te(g) a(f)do(e)ra(fg)mos,(g. ::) te(g) glo(g)ri(f)fi(e)ca(fg)mos,(g. ::) te(g) da(fed)mos(e) gra(c.)cias.(c. ::)
    Se(g)ñor(fe) Dios,(dec.) Rey(fe) ce(f)les(h)tial,(g. ::) Dios(g) Pa(hi)dre(ih) to(j)do(i)po(h)do(g)ro(fg)so.(g. ::) Se(g)ñor,(hi) Hi(i)jo(h) ú(ji)ni(h)co,(g.) Je(e)su(f)cri(g.)sto,(g. ::) Se(g)ñor(fe) Dios,(d.) Cor(e)de(de)ro(d) de(c) Dios,(c.) Hi(f)jo(e) del(f) Pa(h)dre;(g. ::) tú(g) que(g) qui(dg)tas(g) el(g) pe(g)ca(h)do(g) del(g) mun(gfh)do,(h. ,) ten(h) pie(h)dad(hg) de(fe) no(f)so(g.)tros;(g. ::) tú(g) que(g) qui(dg)tas(g) el(g) pe(g)ca(h)do(g) del(g) mun(gfh)do,(h. ,) a(h)tien(hij)de(i) nue(h)stra(h) sú(f)pli(g)ca;(g. ::) tú(g) que_es(g)tás(gji) sen(jk)ta(k)do(k) a(k) la(k) de(i)re(k)cha(j) del(i) Pa(h)dre,(g. ,) ten(g) pie(g)dad(h) de(e) no(f)so(g.)tros.(g. ::)
    Por(g)que(h) só(gf)lo(g) tú(h.) e(ji)res(h) San(jk)to,(k. ::) só(i)lo(k) tú(ji) Se(hj)ñor,(j.g. ::) só(g)lo(h) tú(i) Al(ih)tí(j)si(i)mo,(ghg.) Je(e)su(f)cri(g.)sto,(g. ::) con(g) el(g) Es(g)pi(g)ri(h)tu(g) San(hGF)to(f. ,) en(h) la(j) glo(jji)ria(hg) de(g) Dios(h) Pa(efg)dre.(g. ::) A(gvefvED.ghih h )men.(hv.g. ::)
    Gloria X Sept21b draft.pdf
  • Over on the other thread, Mrs. Gorbitz seems to be using italics for elided vowels.

    Thus you could do something like:
    GLo(j)ri{a}(hg) a~Di{o}s(g) en(e) el(f) ci{e}(gh)lo,(g.) (::)

    This would be a borrowing from the way hypermetric syllables are treated in Latin hymns, e.g. in the Antiphonale Romanum and Liber Usualis.

    Use ~ if you need an non-breaking space, and then brackets {} to force Gregorio to center whatever vowel(s) you want under the neume.

    [This made me think: usually in AR / LU if there is "au" or another dipthong, in Gregorio you want to write {au} to center both letters. But whether this should apply to Spanish, I don't know.]




    P.S. In the example you have posted, having the centering-scheme being set at English, to my eyes, makes everything look unaligned. I am used to [and would recommend using] the Latin scheme, which if there is one vowel per syllable will always center that vowel under the note. (Which is correct for Latin chant typesetting, and something that Gregorio does distinctly well, and exactly.)
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396

    ICEL does not deal with Spanish texts. If ICEL adapts a Latin ordinary chant like Gloria X in the process of applying the English text to that chant, they can claim ownership. By the same token, when you apply the approved Spanish text to that same Latin chant, it's your work, not ICEL's. There is no need to refer to ICEL at all.

    A few syllabifications in your setting that need correcting:
    Je-su-cris-to (2 X)

    glo-ria is two syllables in Spanish, not three (as it is in Latin)

    Spelling: to-do-po-de-ro-so
    Es-pí-ri-tu (accent)
    A-mén (accent)

    Your elisions are all fine since in basically syllabic chants that will be usually expected. In your setting I would also elide: te_alabamos, te_adoramos, sentado_a
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • Thanks both of you! I misread a letra: ICEL copyright notice on what was a bilingual setting: is the Spanish really PD? Does "solo tú eres" sound idiomatic?

    Jonathan, I can't get the unenclosed ~ to do anything, but counting to ten (!) seems to work for the y‿en, though the spacing is now too wide.

    I've revised as follows, and tomorrow I might figure out why the Illuminare editor won't compile a pdf… [update: I've found that I get the "can't find initial letter" error message if I include the italic markup (I would have liked to differentiate the intonation) I now can't upload the pdf to Musica Sacra.]

    user-notes: adapted by Richard Mix 2016;
    commentary: Misa X (Alme Pater);
    annotation: I;
    centering-scheme: latin;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    GLo(j){ria‿a}(hg) Dios(g) en(e) el(f) cie(gh)lo,(g. ::) y‿en(e) la(f) tie(g)rra(h) paz(g.) a(e) los(f) hom(e)bres(d) que‿a(g)ma‿el(f) Se(h)ñor.(h.g. :) Por(g) tu‿in(h)men(ji)sa(h) glo(ij)ri(hg)a(g. ;) te‿a(j)la(h)ba(i)mos,(g. ;) te(g) ben(f)de(e)ci(fg)mos,(g. ;) te‿a(g)do(fe)ra(fg)mos,(g. ;) te(g) glo(f)ri(e)fi(f)ca(g)mos,(g. ;) te(g) da(fED)mos(e) gra(c.)cias.(c. :)
    Se(g)ñor(fe) Dios,(dec.) Rey(fe) ce(f)les(h)tial,(g. ;) Dios(g) Pa(hi)dre(ih) to(j)do(i)po(h)de(g)ro(fg)so.(g. :) Se(g)ñor,(hi) Hi(i)jo(h) ú(ji)ni(h)co,(g.) Je(e)su(f)cris(g.)to,(g. :) Se(g)ñor(fe) Dios,(d.) Cor(e)de(de)ro(d) de(c) Dios,(c.) Hi(f)jo(e) del(f) Pa(h)dre;(g. :) tú(g) que(g) qui(dg)tas(g) el(g) pe(g)ca(h)do(g) del(g) mun(fh~)do,(h. ,) ten(h) pie(h)dad(hg) de(fe) no(f)so(g)tros;(g. ;) tú(g) que(g) qui(dg)tas(g) el(g) pe(g)ca(h)do(g) del(g) mun(fh~)do,(h. ,) a(h)tien(hij)de(i) nues(h)tra(h) sú(f)pli(g)ca;(g. ;) tú(g) que‿es(g)tás(gji) sen(jk)ta(k)do‿a(k) la(k) de(i)re(k)cha(j) del(i) Pa(h)dre,(g. ,) ten(g) pie(g)dad(h) de(e) no(f)so(g.)tros.(g. :)
    Por(g)que(h) só(gf)lo(g) tú(h.) e(ji)res(h) San(jk~)to,(k. ;) só(i)lo(k) tú(ji) Se(hj)ñor,(j.g. ;) só(g)lo(h) tú(i) Al(ih)tí(j)si(i)mo,(ghg.) Je(e)su(f)cris(g.)to,(g. ;) con(g) el(g) Es(g)pí(g)ri(h)tu(g) San(hGF)to(f. ,) en(h) la(j) glo(jji)ria(hg) de(g) Dios(h) Pa(efg)dre.(g. :) A(gvefvED.ghih h )mén.( ::)

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    The Spanish-language ordinary of the Mass (including all the eucharistic prayers, solemn blessings, and most of the prefaces) is PD. It is a unified text (texto único) used in all Spanish-speaking conference of bishops since the mid-1980's. The Apostolic See spearheaded the effort to get this unified translation. Before the mid-1980's there were several different translations used in Spanish-speaking conferences around the world (Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, CELAM, and possibly a few others).

    The remaining texts in the various editions of the Misal Romano are under copyright of the respective conference of bishops that made a particular translation. The copyright status of the prefaces is a tricky matter. Seventy prefaces are contained in the texto único translation (and so they are PD), but some others are not. So one sees different translations of these in the various editions of the Misal Romano.

    The complete texto único translation was published by Catholic Book Publishing Company, New York, in 1989: Ordinario de la Misa: Texto unificado en lengua española. The acknowledgment page says: copyright 1989 United States Catholic Conference. But that applies to the formatting and arrangement of the texts, not the translation itself.

    Regarding the line in the Gloria: Porque sólo tú eres Santo
    The tú_eres is elided in ordinary speech, but I've never seen it elided in a musical setting. (BTW, Richard, in your setting you have a dotted punctum on "tú." I prefer no dot on that note.)
  • I now seem unable to attach the pdf to my posts. The pdf I get from Illuminare treats the liaison differently in preview mode, where its a bit too wide; it gets ignored completely in pdf. So I've revised a bit more, rethinking the objectionable bump at "solo tu eres":

    name: Gloria a Dios;
    score-copyright: Richard Mix 2016;
    user-notes: adapted by Richard Mix 2016;
    commentary: Misa X (Alme Pater);
    annotation: VIII;
    centering-scheme: latin;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    Glo(j)ria_a(hg) Dios(g) en(e) el(f) cie(gh)lo,(g. ::) y_en(e) la(f) tie(g)rra(h) paz(g.) a(e) los(f) hom(e)bres(d) que_a(g)ma_el(f) Se(h)ñor.(h.g. :) Por(g) tu_in(h)men(ji)sa(h) glo(ijh)ria(g. ;) te_a(j)la(h)ba(i)mos,(g. ;) te(g) ben(f)de(e)ci(fg)mos,(g. ;) te_a(g)do(fe)ra(fg)mos,(g. ;) te(g) glo(f)ri(e)fi(f)ca(g)mos,(g. ;) te(g) da(fED)mos(e) gra(c.)cias.(c. :)
    Se(g)ñor(fe) Dios,(dec.) Rey(fe) ce(f)les(h)tial,(g. ;) Dios(g) Pa(hi)dre(ih) to(j)do(i)po(h)de(g)ro(fg)so.(g. :) Se(g)ñor,(hi) Hi(i)jo(h) ú(ji)ni(h)co,(g.) Je(e)su(f)cris(g.)to,(g. :) Se(g)ñor(fe) Dios,(d.) Cor(e)de(de)ro(d) de(c) Dios,(c.) Hi(f)jo(e) del(f) Pa(h)dre;(g. :) tú(g) que(g) qui(dg)tas(g) el(g) pe(g)ca(h)do(g) del(g) mun(fh~)do,(h. ,) ten(h) pie(h)dad(hg) de(fe) no(f)so(g)tros;(g. ;) tú(g) que(g) qui(dg)tas(g) el(g) pe(g)ca(h)do(g) del(g) mun(fh~)do,(h. ,) a(h)tien(hij)de(i) nues(h)tra(h) sú(f)pli(g)ca;(g. ;) tú(g) que_es(g)tás(gji) sen(jk)ta(k)do_a(k) la(k) de(i)re(k)cha(j) del(i) Pa(h)dre,(g. ,) ten(g) pie(g)dad(h) de(e) no(f)so(g.)tros.(g. :)
    Por(g)que(h) só(gf)lo(g) tú(hhj) e(i)res(h) San(jk~)to,(k. ;) só(i)lo(k) tú(ji) Se(hj)ñor,(j.g. ;) só(g)lo(h) tú(i) Al(ih)tí(j)si(i)mo,(ghg.) Je(e)su(f)cris(g.)to,(g. ;) con(g) el(g) Es(g)pí(g)ri(h)tu(g) San(hGF)to(f. ,) en(h) la(j) glo(jji)ria(hg) de(g) Dios(h) Pa(efg)dre.(g. :) A(gvefvED.ghih h )mén.( ::)
    Gloria a Dios.pdf
    Thanked by 1janetgorbitz