What MUST be sung at a Funeral Mass?
  • Ali
    Posts: 31
    Hello All,

    I am a frequent lurker and only one-time poster. I need someone to point me in the right direction for a resource (or, just tell me the right answer).

    What parts of the Funeral Mass (Novus Ordo) must be sung? I have done dozens of funerals and only occasionally get odd requests. For a Mass this Thursday, the family has requested that the responsorial psalm, gospel acclamation, and all the ordinaries be spoken. I thought that was weird when you're paying a cantor for music only to sing a few verses of 4 hymns.

    Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!
  • The Order of Christian Funerals (USA, 1989) discusses music for the funeral liturgy in para. # 133 to 149. It encourages music for the different parts of the Mass, in the same way that the Roman Missal and other Church documents encourage music for all liturgies.

    Two parts that must be sung: the Alleluia before the gospel (or it is otherwise omitted), and the song of farewell. The song of farewell can be replaced by recited invocations, "when singing is not possible." (Para. # 147) Since there are musicians present, then singing is possible.

    As to the other parts of Mass, which the Church's teachings have repeatedly encouraged to be sung, your pastor can certainly tell the mourners, either directly or through you, that these parts MUST be sung, according to his pastoral judgement, and the custom of your parish church.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • Ali
    Posts: 31
    Thank you! The priest is a brand new pastor. I think this is his first funeral at this Church. I'm the director of music at my own parish, but just a cantor at this parish. I'll talk with Father about what must be done as far as music and see if we can get those parts sung for this one, but definitely for any others going forward.
  • Who made the mistake of asking the family whether they wanted these parts of the mass sung? The Church has decided this already.
    Thanked by 2Spriggo eft94530
  • Ali
    Posts: 31
    I think it's a combination of new priest and a little bit of the culture here. I don't think anyone asked them; I think they showed up to talk liturgy and just laid out what they wanted. I'm not sure, though. I was asked to sing by the organist, not the priest, so I'm sure I'll find out at some point.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    What must be sung? Nothing.

    What ought to be sung? Everything, more or less, including the priest's own prayers.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    To be clear, I'm saying "ought to" in an "idea liturgy" sense, not a "strict requirements" sense.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    And now I've been dotted!
    Thanked by 1Spriggo
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,526
    The priest at my nana’s funeral insisted on an Offertory hymn only (which, only my immediate family sung, so we should have done the chant), but we did the propers + hymns or motets, the proper chants at the commendation & dismissal, sung prayers of the faithful, & the Ordinary. He forgot, but the priest was willing to do the Our Father, since it is well–known. So, to Jackson’s point, what would a musician & priest say if that was the request? LOL.

    But to the OP, yeah, it’s weird, but you could do a Low Mass even (& still) in the TLM…
  • ...I've been...

    Sorry, Ben. You haven't so much been dotted. I just decided that my remark, while not out of order (yet another emphasis of the Church's actual views on sung liturgy), was unhelpful to our friend, Ali, in his or her predicament. Actually, it was an elaboration on what you had said. Now, the yellow squares are the things you need to watch out for - but I can't imagine ever replying to you with one.
  • Ali
    Posts: 31
    Yes, thank you all! I'm female, by the way.

    This parish, and most in our county, have a very long way to go for the ideal. I sincerely doubt this parish will ever have a chanted Mass, but I've been waiting for the time when I can pitch the idea of at least sung Propers! I had the last priest ready to say yes, but alas, the Bishop transferred him.

    Thanks again!
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Now, the yellow squares are the things you need to watch out for - but I can't imagine ever replying to you with one.

    So, there is a system to these.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    Ben is correct. You don't HAVE to sing anything. As a practical matter, you will probably do what the pastor instructs you to do.

    Yellow squares are pure, incarnate evil.
    Thanked by 1Ben
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    And now I've been dotted!

    Is that better or worse than being slashdotted?
  • Ali
    Posts: 31
    Well, an update. Father completely overrode the family and we sang everything we normally do (including a chanted psalm and gospel acclamation). It was actually the previous pastor celebrating as he was very close with the family.

    Thank you all for your help and opinions!
    Thanked by 1Chris Hebard
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,171
    Next time, the answer to your question will be: O Danny Boy.