Composers take a look
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503

    The article states: "uniquely Canadian..." Not sure what this means though. Remember that the Canadian Church uses the NSRV translation.
  • Well thats great, after Father just purchased 50 new CBW IIIs...
    I wonder if they will add Leo's Alleluia gospel acc, we use it but only because my choir director is a good friend of his.
  • RobertRobert
    Posts: 343
    I know that at least one person in a position to influence the contents of this new volume reads and posts to this forum. For your consideration!:

    Please, please take this opportunity to include Healy Willan's Missa Sancta Maria Magdalena, as adapted to the new ICEL translation by Fr. Haynes:

    This is a shining example of "uniquely Canadian" liturgical music, of very high quality, that stands a chance of really being used in churches.

    There have also been adaptations for the new translation to Victor Togni's Parish Mass and Stephen Somerville's Good Shepherd Mass - these would be good Canadian options to include.

    Consider also how many Canadian parishes opt out of the CBW III - the CBW II is still in use in many communities, indicating I think a dissatisfaction with the extensive alteration of words to well-known traditional hymns in the CBW III. Consider that American hymnals (Gather, Glory and Praise, Spirit & Song) are very widely used in Canada. You can make an official hymnal and rule that only it is approved for worship - but at the end of the day, communities are going to sing what they want to. Is it worth all the effort to try to force awkward, ideological rewordings of traditional hymns on Canadians, when the parishes who prefer a more contemporary style are not likely to sing these organ-based hymns anyway, and more traditional parishes will just stick with CBW II?

    Could we get *all* of the sequences from the Lectionary set to the traditional chant melodies? (at least as an option)? And any congregational music that is in the Missal, both Latin and English, should be in the hymnal. E.g. Hosanna Filio David, Ecce lignum Crucis.

    Also, take a look at the example of the Illuminare Hymnal and its use of material from the Liber Hymnarius in English translation - wouldn't it be wonderful to include some of this?
  • Rosanna
    Posts: 2
    Hi I am looking for someone who can create music tracks for some compositions I have written. It would be more like the newer style as opposed to classical. Pls email me at
  • Rosanna, are you looking for practice tracks?