This Chant has long been one of my favorites, even before I started singing Gregorian Chant.
I was able to find two verses of it online, but in doing research on it, I read that there may be as many as ten verses. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find a music sheet with all the verses? Any help would be much appreciated!
Yes, the version as found in Cantus Selecti appears to be the standard one, and seems to go back to the early Solesmes editions, e.g. on page 46 of the Processionale Monasticum (1888).
I have also seen a slightly different version of it in books for the Dominican office; they use it at compline as the antiphon at the Nunc dimittis from the Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in Lent to the Saturday before Passion Sunday exclusive, which you may see e.g. on page 51 here.
I am glad to be able to sing it now, as before my only exposure to it was on a Chant album at home, or hearing it playing over the speakers at our Cathedral while waiting in line for Confession.
It is very cool to delve deeper into Chant Pieces that I've heard before (sometimes many years ago), but perhaps didn't know the meaning of the words I was hearing, or the history behind it.
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