Chant Workshop in Ontario!
  • emilie
    Posts: 4
    My dear fellow chant enthusiasts,

    It is with great excitement that I wish to announce the first-ever Chant Workshop in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. This coming March 20-21st, 2009, Mr. David J. Hughes of St. Mary's Norwalk will be leading two days of insightful lectures and masterclasses on singing Gregorian Chant. And as a special treat, the Sleepy Hollow Schola Cantorum will be giving a concert on the Friday night. Here is the link to more information and registration:

    Many thanks to Jeffrey Tucker for helping us get this show on the road!
  • Geoff
    Posts: 22
    Will there by any forum-goers attending?
  • emilie
    Posts: 4
    Just a reminder...the Kingston Chant Workshop is a mere SIX DAYS from now and we still have spots available! What could possibly be a better way to say "Laetare" on the fourth weekend of Lent? Come one, come all!

    Friday, 20 March 2009

    1:00-1:30pm Registration
    1:30-1:45pm Welcome
    1:45-3:15pm Chant: essentials of notation, techniques of singing
    3:15-3:30pm Break
    3:30-4:15pm “Why Sing the Mass?”
    4:15-5:30pm Chant: elements of Gregorian style
    5:30-6:30pm Reception in Parish Hall
    6:30pm Dinner on one’s own (list of area restaurants to be provided)
    8:00pm Concert & Compline with the Sleepy Hollow Schola Cantorum

    Saturday, 21 March 2009

    8:30-9:00am Coffee and registration
    9:00-10:15am Chant
    10:15-10:30am Break
    10:30-11:45am “The Aesthetics of Silence: Gregorian Chant as Source and Summit of Musical Form”
    11:45-1:00pm Lunch (provided)
    1:00-2:30pm Chant
    2:30-2:45pm Break
    2:45-3:30pm Discussion: Practical considerations in beginning and maintaining a chant schola
    3:30-4:45pm Final rehearsal
    5:15-6:15pm Vigil Mass of Laetare Sunday (Fourth Sunday in Lent)
    6:15-7:00pm Reception in Parish Hall
  • soli
    Posts: 95
    How wonderful for Canada! Thanks be to God and thank you to all who helped make this possible!