I'm new the forum, but not new to Sacred Music and CMAA. Just throwing out a little intro before my first question. I'm not an active musician right now, but have been in the past in various ways. Right now my work is raising two little boys. A secret ambition is to start the Ward method at a preschool age with my boys, but I'm working on theory and no practice yet.
I have a few questions about the Collects in the Ordinary Form. I appreciate any help! I was noticing in the Gregorian Missal that it has the ICEL translations of the Mass prayers.
1) How much (if any) did the Novus Ordo change in the original Latin Collect (and Offertory and Communion) prayers? Did many stay the same?
2) Besides the ICEL translation, is there any source of side-by-side Latin and unofficial English translations of the Collect (and perhaps Offertory and Communion) prayers for the Novus Ordo? I know it's the official translation and must be used at Mass if vernacular is used, but for meditative use, are there other translations?
I know the prayers from "Lauds and Vespers" by MTF could possibly be used for the Collects. Any other sources that would use the Mass prayers instead of having to hunt through the Liturgy of the Hours?
Thanks for any help! I've enjoyed gleaning from all your wisdom on the liturgy and sacred music.
For a comparison of O.F. and E.F. collects (and of some even previous to the liturgy of 1962), check out Father Zuhlsdorf's blog. Google on WDTPRS (What does the prayer really say?) and you should find his blog. Also, if you have access to back copies of The Wanderer, you can find Father's columns providing the same intense analysis.
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