Music at National Shrine on January 21, 2009
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 994
    Does anyone have a list of the music used at the Mass last evening at the National Shrine?
  • All I remember was that Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence and Draw Near and Take the Body of Your Lord were what they sang during Holy Communion. Crown Him With Many Crowns was what they played during the Recessional.

    If it were up to me, I would have sung "Attende Domine" as the Entrance and "Our Father, We have Wandered" for the Offertory. I would have also added "How Firm A Foundaiton" as an extra recessional since the line was never-ending. I also would have added "Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether" for Holy Communion. I would have gone with my first two picks since this was the Vigil Mass to mark Roe V. Wade and, the songs were most penitential. The last one would have been a nod to St. Agnes, since it was her feast day.

    They had a nice setting for the Sanctus, Memorial and Great Amen. At least the music was far better than what the poor Holy Father had to endure during his Mass at Nationals Stadium.
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 994
    The Sanctus, etc. was Richard Proulx's Community Mass. This is an "old" (by post-VII standards) setting and it's easy to sing and straightforward.

    I was wondering about the motets that alternated with the hymns during Communion.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    Mary Jane, one of my colleagues at the rectory brought in her program today.

    Praeludium und Fuga pro prgano pleno (Clavieruebung III) --Bach
    Laudibus in Sanctis--Byrd

    Alleluia, Laudate--Francis Jackson
    O God Beyond All Praising
    O Praise Ye the Lord--Perry

    Kyrie from Missa de Angelis

    Be Thou my Vision
    Beati quorum via--Stanford

    Mass for the City

    Agnus Dei--a new composition? Combines a very simple chant, with a change of choir (schola/ congregation) and it seems that the second invocation is polyphonic.

    Antiphon: Psalm 26:4--(also a new composition?)
    Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
    Draw Near
    O Sacrum Convivium--Tallis
    I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
    Jesus, Sun of Life, My Splendor--Handel (my colleague says that this was most beautiful)

    Crown Him with Many Crowns

    Nun Danket--Karg-Elert

    By the way, I'm sure Dr. Latona at the Shrine was not responsible for the Stadium Mass, in case there is any confusion about that.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Just curious who was responsible for the Stadium mass in DC. (maybe it's just me, but it seems that many people know the person who was in charge of NY mass. But I never heard who was in charge of DC mass.)

    Maybe is it better we don't know? (I do really appreciate the work and effort though. I'm sure it was enormous amount of work that many counldn't do well.)
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    The newly-appointed DM at the Cathedral of St. Matthew in DC, Thomas Stehle, was in charge of the music for the stadium Mass. There was a lot of digital ink spilled about it over at NLM, I seem to recall.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Thanks, David Andrew. I googled him. Very interesting what he said about the mass. But I don't think we need to discuss this anymore. Already we heard enough comments.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    Kathy do you always/usually have access to such music programs?
    I wish EWTN et al would make more of these kinds of things availabe, (the lists, I mean.)

    Perhaps someone here who attends in person knows.
    Although the music program at the basilica seems uniformly excellent, anything that is cantor-led sounds horribly over-miked and dominated by a single voice, (which seems to be over-singing,) at the expense of the assembly.
    I notice this everytime anything is broadcast from there, regardless of the cantor.

    Is that just a fluke of the broadcast or does it seem so in person?

    (Save the Liturgy, save the Wordl)
  • I think that the cantor tends to drown everyone out during broadcasts from the National Shrine. I think he also did that during another broadcast. When I was at St. Austin's the cantors were instructed to back away from the mike so as to let the faithful sing and not overwhelm them. Maybe the Shrine should try that. The cantor does have an excellent voice; however, it is very strong.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    I live and work in Alexandria, VA, so it's not prohibitively far to the Shrine. I don't often go anymore but usually did in grad school.

    I think the music program there is top-notch, with original excellent compositions that are exactly what all the documents ask for: new music in continuity with the best of the Tradition.

    Not sure how things sound on EWTN, but in person, the sound is very good and the cantor does not dominate the sound. Of course it's an enormous church! It would take a lot of singing to fill it.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    It may be just bad sound mixing on the part of EWTN.
  • "Although the music program at the basilica seems uniformly excellent, anything that is cantor-led sounds horribly over-miked and dominated by a single voice, (which seems to be over-singing,) at the expense of the assembly."

    Having sung with the group off and on for the past 15 years or so, I would guess what you hear is an exageration, caused by the fact that that particular assembly would be nearly impossible to mic successfully.
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 994
    This wasn't the worst cantor miking I've heard. And the voices were over-operatic. The fact that you could hear the congregation at all is a testimony to how well they were singing. It's one of the problems of "not being there."

    And I agree with G, it would be great if the broadcasters would put the programs up on their websites, along with homily texts, etc.

    And thanks, Kathy.