Lapeer, Michigan: Director of Music/Organist
  • Position title: Director of Music/Organist

    Location Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    814 Nepessing Street
    Lapeer MI 48446

    Position description:
    • Organist to play at 5 of 7 weekend masses. The ability to accompany and lead congregational singing is essential. A degree in music is required. Excellent organ skills are expected.
    • Cantor skills required.
    • The Director of Music will be responsible for the recruitment and rehearsal of parish choirs—adult, youth, and Gregorian chant schola. Skills and temperament to work with volunteer and professional musicians and a desire to engage the congregation in liturgical participation and prayer are essential.
    • The Director of Music will be responsible for the recruitment and training of cantors. (A paid cantor may be available for 1-2 Sunday masses.)
    • Director of Music will provide music for all funerals and weddings.
    • Director of Music will provide music for holy day masses, Holy Week special liturgies, special sacramental parish events (Confirmation, First Holy Communion, etc…)
    • Director of Music will be in charge of all music selection.
    • A thorough knowledge of Catholic liturgy and music is required.
    • Part time position—25 to 30 hours per week

    General Information:
    • Historic, stone, Gothic-Revival church. No carpet. Excellent acoustics.
    • 100+ year old Hinners Tracker organ—10 ranks, restored in 1980 to Organ Historical Society specifications.
    • 2,000+ family parish.
    • Bishop Kelley Catholic School, grades K-8
    • Books in the pews: Worship IV (GIA) and Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Canticles (Theodore Marier)
    • Music is mostly traditional.
    • A variety of mass settings are sung—music drawn from Gregorian chant, Theodore Marier, David Hurd, Jeff Ostroswski, Norah Duncan IV, and Richard Proulx. The people’s part of the Ordinary is sung at all masses.
    • Occasional Tridentine Mass or Latin chant Novus Ordo Mass is celebrated.
    • A chime of 10 bells in the West tower

    Personal Expectations
    • Church employees must conduct themselves in a manner consistent with and supportive of the mission and purpose of the church.
    • Public behavior must not violate the faith, morals, reputation, or laws of the Church or the Archdiocese, such that it can embarrass the Church or give rise to scandal.
    • The ability to respond to feedback from clergy, church staff, and members of the parish with dignity and grace is essential.
    • This position does not require that the employee be a Catholic. It is expected that all employees respect Catholic doctrine and religious practices. Reasonable accommodation for the religious practice of employees not of the Roman Catholic faith will similarly be provided.

    Salary and Benefits
    • Salary will be based on qualifications and how much of the position the candidate is able to fulfill.
    • In addition to the salary, there is extra income from generous stipends for weddings and funerals.
    • There are stipends for special parish liturgical devotions and events—Stations of the Cross, Parish Missions, Divine Mercy, etc…
    • Health benefits and retirement plan available through the Michigan Catholic Conference.

    Résumés will be accepted until position is filled; it is hoped that the new Director of Music will begin by August 1. Please provide three references.

    Send inquiries and résumés to

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