The Votive Mass of the Mercy of God is pretty new and I couldn't find any chanted propers for it in the Graduale Romanum - there are just the antiphons given in the missal. Does anyone know of English or Latin chants for this votive mass?
I'm planning to use this mass for my First Mass of Thanksgiving as a priest (with the Bishop's permission - required for using a votive on a Sunday). If there aren't chants or settings for these antiphons, does anyone have some suggestions for priesthood/mercy themed chants that would fit the bill for Introit, Offertory, and Communion?
If the propers are not newly composed, and they well could be, you could see which texts are used and figure out what those are in Latin. Then you can see if it borrowed from another Mass.
Someone might also be able to centonize propers. Solesmes might have an idea of what to do between the readings. I say might, now...
Well, most of the mass is a new composition, though it has influences from older prayers. The missal gives two antiphons each for entrance and communion. In each case, there is one new composition and one that is used elsewhere. One entrance antiphon (Ps 89:2) is used as communion for the Chrism mass and one Communion Antiphon (Jn 19:34) is used for The Most Sacred Heart.
Of these, I can only find the Jn 19 antiphon set to chant.
They talk about the mass of mercy, but some of what these say (including the offertory antiphon, the preface, the readings) is not actually in the missal (English or Latin) or any other official source I have access to.
A further complication is that, since this is being done on a Sunday, we will be using the readings of the Day, which is the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Fortunately, all three of the readings, but especially the First and the Gospel are directly concerned with Mercy.
I guess I'll just pick out chants from other places that seem fitting.
In such a case, I would be inclined to use the chants for that Sunday. You could also consider those for the Mass of the Sacred Heart, but the only way to get the exact English text for the Mass of Mercy from the Roman Missal set to any music would be to have someone compose them.
In hac Missa adhibetur color albus. Hæc Missa dici nequit in Dominica II Paschæ.
Ant. ad introitum Cf. Ier 31, 3; 1 Io 2, 2 In caritáte perpétua diléxit nos Deus: Fílium suum Unigénitum misit propitiatiónem pro peccátis nostris, non pro nostris autem tantum, sed étiam pro totíus mundi.
Vel: Ps 88, 2 Misericórdias Dómini in ætérnum cantábo, in generatiónem et generatiónem annuntiábo veritátem tuam in ore meo.
Collecta Deus, cuius misericórdiæ non est númerus et bonitátis infinítus est thesáurus auge propítius fidem plebis tibi sacrátæ, ut digna omnes intellegéntia comprehéndant qua dilectióne sunt creáti, quo sánguine redémpti, quo Spíritu regeneráti. Per Dóminum.
Super oblata Oblatiónes nostras, Dómine, cleménter assúme, eásque in redemptiónis sacraméntum convérte, mortis et resurrectiónis Fílii tui memoriále, ut huius sacrifícii virtúte, Christo iúgiter confidéntes, ad vitam perveniámus ætérnam. Per Christum.
Ant. ad communionem Ps 102, 17 Misericórdia Dómini ab ætérno et usque in ætérnum super timéntes eum.
Vel: Io 19, 34 Unus mílitum láncea latus eius apéruit et contínuo exívit sanguis et aqua.
Post communionem Concéde nobis, miséricors Deus, ut Córpore et Sánguine Fílii tui enutríti fiduciáliter e misericórdiæ fóntibus hauriámus et in fratres magis magísque misericórdes nosmetípsos præbeámus. Per Christum.
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