This was either my first or second translation, and it took a while to get flowing. I think it's only okay until vs. 6 or so, and then it takes off fine.
I hope someone will find it useful.
*Stabat Mater Dolorosa*
1. On the Cross her Son was dying
Mary stood beneath Him crying
Sharing in His saving Cross.
As He hangs, her soul is grieving,
and a sword her heart is cleaving
and she weeps the bitter loss.
2. O, the sad, afflicted Mother
of the Son beyond all others:
only Son of God most high.
Full of grief, her heart is aching;
watching Him, her body, quaking,
trembles as her Offspring dies.
3. Who would see Christ’s Mother crying
at the bitter crucifying
without tears of sympathy?
Who could see her depth of feeling—
thoughts of many hearts revealing—
and not share her agony?
4. Pardon for our sins entreating
she saw him endure the beating;
all our guilt on him was cast.
She stood by in contemplation
when her son, in desolation,
breathed his spirit forth at last.
5. Font of love, O Blessed Mother,
lend me tears to mourn my Brother.
Do not let my ardour dim.
Let my heart be burning freely,
Christ my God be pleased to see me
all on fire with love for Him.
6. This I ask, O Holy Mary,
that His wounds I too may carry:
fix them deeply in my heart.
Mine the burden He was bearing;
let me in His pain be sharing;
of His suffering take a part.
7. Let me join in your lamenting,
through my life weep unrelenting
tears for Jesus Crucified.
Let me stand and share your weeping,
all the day death’s vigil keeping,
glad to stand close by your side.
8. Queen of all the virgin choir,
judge me not when I aspire
your pure tears to emulate.
Let me share in Christ’s affliction—
death by bitter crucifixion—
and His wounds commemorate.
9. Let me taste the pains He offered,
drunk with love for Him who suffered.
May His wounds become my own.
On the day of Christ’s returning
may my heart be lit and burning.
Virgin, aid me at His throne.
10. May His Cross be interceding
and His death my vict’ry pleading.
May He hold me in His grace.
When my flesh by death is taken,
may my soul to glory waken
and in heaven take a place. Amen.
Translation, 2005, Kathleen Pluth. Permission is granted for parish use during Lent, 2009. All other rights reserved.
I hope it's okay if I bump this up to the top just once, because a) Lent is just around the corner, and b) I didn't have any idea what this sequence was about until I translated it.
The theology is tough and beautiful: we ask Mary, who participated in her Son's death by sharing in his suffering, to pray that we might do the same.
Kathy, I know I'm coming late to this translation discussion, but we are singing Tartini's SM and I'm looking for a good translation to put in our worship aids. May we use yours?
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