Cincinnati-Area Parish Music Director (Part Time)
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 998
    A parish in the Cincinnati area of about 1200 families, with four weekend Mass times, has an opening for a part-time Director of Music.

    Masses in English. Entrance and Communion Propers presently chanted at every Mass, mostly in English but occasionally in Latin, for two years, in addition to hymns at these points, and have been received well.

    Adult choir of up to 16 voices (this group has been growing through the past three years, has a lot of momentum) sings at the principal Sunday Mass. A small group capable of tackling a capella, polyphonic repertoire also exists (this is its first year) and rehearses 1hr/week, and sings for special occasions. Also about 11 parish choristers (grade-school aged), who sing with the small group for certain services. Also a small (occasionally vanishingly small) but enthusiastic schola who sing the proper at the principal Mass.

    There had been a small mixed-instrument ensemble up to about five years ago, which disbanded due to reasons internal to the group, and the pastor is interested in seeing this return, although no talent in this direction is forthcoming from the parishioners.

    A Samick baby grand piano and a hybrid organ by a local builder (2 manual, ~9 pipe ranks) in the rear gallery, from which all the music is done. At present, both instruments used at most Masses, but with a preference for the organ.

    The parish school has a weekly Mass and a choir, largely the same singers as in the parish chorister program.

    There is also a three-year-old tradition of choral Stations of the Cross throughout Lent, sung mostly by the small group and with very high expectations, and the parish has weekly Eucharistic devotions (adoration/Benediction) that could be built into something.

    Whoever takes this job would have to be able to realize and foster the potential of this parish while being able to incorporate and tolerate a good deal of the music and aesthetic of an ordinary Catholic parish in the United States (e.g. the hymnal is Gather Comprehensive 2).

    If you are interested in more information, PM me.

    If you know where this parish is exactly or which it is, please do not say; this is only semi-public information at present. I'm exploring interest.
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