External solemnity of Corpus Christi (EF): Alleluias or no?
  • Ben Dunlap
    Posts: 48
    My parish will celebrate a sung EF Mass of Corpus Christi on Sunday May 29 as an external solemnity, and I'm trying to piece together exactly which texts should be used, for the choir director's sake (who does not normally work within the EF) -- Rubricae Generales 360 says that the Mass should be celebrated as a votive Mass of the 2nd class, but I guess I'm wondering about the force of as there; specifically:

    1. Should we use the Propers of Corpus Christi itself or of the Votive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament? The Introit and Offertory antiphons are a little different between the two (Corpus Christi has many alleluias, and the Votive Mass does not)

    2. Is the Sequence sung? RG 470 says the Sequence is omitted in votive Masses, but does that apply for an external solemnity?

    3. May the Mass be preceded by the Asperges? Or does its character as a votive Mass exclude the Asperges?

    4. Is the Creed included or omitted? I think included, looking at RG 343a, but is that right?

    5. Are there other considerations that a quick inexperienced reading of the rubrics wouldn't bring to mind?

    As it happens, Corpus Christi is the titular feast of the parish, so an external solemnity would 'belong by right' to Corpus Christi for us in any case, but I guess there is also a longstanding indult that concedes an external solemnity of Corpus Christi to any parish in the US... if that's right, does that indult have more specific guidance about some of the above?
  • Ben Dunlap
    Posts: 48
    Oops, I may have just found the answer to all of the questions in this footnote on page lxxxi of the Liber Usualis:
    On the II Sunday after Pentecost, if the feast of Corpus Christi was not a day of obligation, and on the III Sunday, one sung Mass and one low Mass or two Masses of the preceding feast are allowed. These Masses have Gloria and Creed. Commemoration of the Sunday or an oratio imperata ... is not allowed.

    So there it is -- full Propers of Corpus Christi itself, including the Sequence ... I think.
  • Ben,

    Yes, I would think that makes sense. An External Solemnity with downgraded propers makes little sense, since the purpose of an external solemnity is..... to export the solemnity of the feast which was missing on the day itself.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,765
    See LMS ordo scroll down to second page,


    Propers of Corpus Christi, incl. SEQ
    Creed because it is Sunday

    3. May the Mass be preceded by the Asperges? Or does its character as a votive Mass exclude the Asperges?

    This is an interesting question, The Conventual Mass would be the main Mass on that day and would be the Mass that will have the Asperges. The Conventual Mass should be the Mass of the day not the External Solemnity... But the complier of the above Ordo points out that many places (pre-1969) incl. Westminster Cathedral would have the External Solemnity as there main Mass with the Asperges, and celebrate the Conventual Mass at another time. So it is up to you...
    Thanked by 2Ben Dunlap CHGiffen
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
    There are also indults included in the US FSSP Ordo that Corpus Christi IS observed on the following Sunday, and that Our Lady of the Rosary in October may be transferred (External Solemnity) to the nearest Sunday. That would make Corpus Christi, on Sunday, THE Mass on Sunday, and it would only make sense that the Asperges would be allowed.
    Thanked by 1Stella611
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,231
    Conventual Mass can be celebrated twice too on days that call for two Masses...
  • Ben Dunlap
    Posts: 48
    many places (pre-1969) incl. Westminster Cathedral would have the External Solemnity as there main Mass with the Asperges, and celebrate the Conventual Mass at another time.

    Interesting -- this will definitely be the 'main Mass' of Sunday May 29 for the diocesan Latin Mass Community, because it will be their only Mass. But in any case there's no Conventual Mass because there's no one involved who is bound to choir -- the EF chaplaincy and our parish are both staffed by diocesan priests.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,765
    @Ben I mentioned this as we had complaints when we had an External Solemnity with the Asperges, I later asked and found out about the historical practice and the complaints have been withdrawn.

    I am told by Colin Mawby, former Director of Music at Westminster Cathedral, that the Cathedral would have two and occasionally three Sung Masses (different Propers) on certain days.

    N.B. We are exceedingly fortunate to have Colin help run our Chant training weekends!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,231
    That would be correct. For instance, a Lenten festal Mass was after Terce, the ferial Mass after None.
  • Ben Dunlap
    Posts: 48
    OK thanks again all -- and one last quick question, am I right in thinking that the short form of the Lauda Sion is only an option in the OF? Meaning, for this upcoming EF Mass of Corpus Christi, we would be required to use the full 24-verse Sequence?
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Thanked by 1Ben Dunlap
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    OK, another similar question. On Easter Sunday the second Alleluia (EF) doesn't end with repeated Alleluia before Victimae Paschali. I see no similar rubric for Pentecost or Corpus, so I assume I am to repeat "Alleluia" as usual. Why?
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,765

    I do not have time to check references but the Sequence is similar to a trope. In this case a trope based in some cases on the melody used for the Alleluia, so the Sequence always ends with the omitted alleluia.
  • The Missale Romanum shows that Alleluia is not repeated before the Sequence on Pentecost or Corpus Christi.