What WAS Your Music for Ascension TODAY? -
  • At Walsingham we had the following -

    Organ Voluntary on the 'Agincourt Hymn' - Improvisation

    At the Entrance - 'The Head that Once Was Crowned with Thorns' - St Magnus
    Vidi aquam - Chant, T Norris

    Introit - Viri Galilaei - Adap., Palmer-Burgess
    Kyire - Willan
    Gloria - Willan
    Psalm XLVII: Omnes gentes, plaudite - Chant, R Woodward
    Alleluya and Verses - Ascendit Deus - T Marier
    Creed - Recto tono

    Offertory Antiphon - Ascendit Deus - Adapt., Palmer-Burgess
    Anthem - 'Above All Praise - F Mendelssohn
    Sanctus - Willan

    Agnus Dei - Willan
    Communion Antiphon - Psallite Domino - Adapt., Palmer-Burgess
    Motet - Ascendit Deus - Peter Philips
    Communion Hymn - 'Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise' - Llanfair

    At the Dismissal - 'See the Conqu'ror Mounts in Triumph' - In Babilone

    Organ Voluntary - Improvisation

    All three readings were sung.
    The Paschal Candle was put out after the gospel.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    St. Bedes, Clapham Park, London,

    All Propers as in the G.R. 1924
    Ordinary, Mass II
    Credo I
    Offertory hymn, Optatus votis omnium
    Communion Hymn, Aeterna Rex Altissime
    Regina Caeli Solemn tone
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,486
    Unfortunately we were not celebrating Ascension Day (GRRR), listened to a broadcast from St Martins in the Fields on BBC Radio 4. Broadcast premiere of Will Todd's Jazz Missa Brevis. Weird contrast with the hymns.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Sang various hymns and Mass parts as required by the church employing me; but was permitted also to sing an Ascension hymn by the famous Kathleen Pluth, "He who walked upon the waters"; it happens to be published in the current WLP "Seasonal Missalette".
  • Sacred Heart, Grand Rapids, Michigan
    EF Solemn High Mass
    Mozart - Spatzen-Messe with orchestra
    GR propers
    Byrd - Non vos relinquam orphanos
    Hymn - Hail the day that sees him rise (Llanfair)
    Mozart - 'Epistle' Sonata K 263
    Thanked by 2JulieColl advocatus
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,032
    Sacred Heart
    Camp Washington, Cincinnati, OH

    EF Missa Cantata

    Prelude (following Rosary): Sub Tuum Praesidium, Lambilotte
    Processional: Cantate Domino, Pitoni
    Propers: GR (full)
    Ordinary: Missa Secunda, Hassler
    Credo IV
    Offertory Motet: Ascendens Christus, Gallus
    Communion of the Choir: Vesper Voluntary VI, Elgar (organ)
    Communion Motet: Sicut Cervus (w/ Sitivit), Palestrina
    Ite II Solemnior
    Recessional: Regina Caeli, Fr. I. Wilkens, OFM
    Postlude: Fughetta in C Major, Sir John Stainer

    The Processional, Introit, and Kyrie were sung without a break from the same pitch.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Missa Cantata, St. Patrick's Church, Glen Cove, NY

    OPENING: Hail the day that sees Him rise
    Gregorian Propers
    Mass VI, Missa Rex Genitor
    OFFERTORY: Jubilate Deo (Orlando di Lasso)
    COMMUNION: O Sacrum Convivium (Michael Haller)
    CLOSING: Sing we triumphant hymns of praise
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    Holy Ghost Church
    Knoxville, TN

    My music for Thursday was Byzantine chant. LOL. Although several of us in the choir are recovering from the latest respiratory illness, here is what we hope to do on Sunday when I celebrate Ascension again with the Latins.

    Entrance: Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise (Llanfair)
    Psalm: God Mounts His Throne...Psalm 47:6 by Michel Guimont
    Anthem: Come Praise the Lord, a piece that may or may not have been written by Bach
    Communion Chant: Richard Rice
    Communion Hymn: A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing (Lasst Uns Erfreuen)
    Recessional: Go to the World (Sine Nomine)
    Postlude: Grand Jeu by Marchand

    Mass Ordinary is ICEL Roman Missal Chants
  • We celebrate on Sunday, so here you go. BTW, this is probably one of the better lists we've had.

    Sun May 8 , 9am. 8:20 call, Ascension-C/ Mother's Day
    Before Mass: Ave Maria, Schubert, arr. Ronan
    Entrance: Hail the Day that sees Him rise (Llanfair)
    Psalm: 106 CBW III, Liam Affley, tone A. Gregory Murray
    Offertory: Be Joyful Mary, Heav'nly Queen
    Communion: 1) On this Day, O Beautiful Mother
    2) Hail Thee, Festival Day-Asc verses, horribly alt. text
    Closing: Immaculate Mary (Lourdes hymn)

    Better than normal, still no propers but horrible verses for Hail Thee, Festival Day. The ones are from CBW III.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    On the other hand, I’ll take that over “On this day, O Beautiful Mother.”

    For “Immaculate Mary,” do you mean the longer version also sung in England? The American version is vastly inferior...
  • St. Anne's in San Diego

    Choristers (youth 8-18)

    Gregorian propers (full)
    Mass I
    Credo III, accompanied by organ
    Choral prelude: Alleluia round (forget composer...)
    Offertory hymn: Ave Maris stella with drone, followed by complementary organ improv
    Communion motet: Jesu Rex admirabilis (Palestrina)
    Regina Caeli, with original accompaniment from our organist

    Entrance hymn: Praise to the Holiest
    Final hymn: Praise my soul the King of Heaven
    Lovely and lively organ postlude (I was too exhausted to ask)

    It was one of those times I really wished I had recorded the choristers. And here's a nice surprise- I woke up to find the following in an email from a veteran bass who is quite selective with compliments:

    "Bravo Zulu" to the choristers, who were at their best last night. The articulation, timing, and overall musicality, I think was the best I've heard them.

    That was refreshing- can't wait to share thaf bit of praise with the kids!
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Sunday here also.
    Gregorian/LCM Propers
    Missa Pilons Pilons L'Orge, Lassus
    All People Clap Your Hands, Weelkes
    Rejoice in the Lord, Weelkes
    Hail the Day that Sees him Rise, LLANFAIR (at some Masses)
    A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing, LASST UNS ERFEUEN
    Organ music by Krieger
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,935
    Ascension Thursday
    Missa Cantata
    Sacred Heart, Cicero, IN

    Lassus's Missa Venatorum
    Credo I
    Gregorian Introit, Offertory, Communion
    Tozer Double Alleluia
    1st Motet: O Rex Gloriae, Samuel Webbe
    2nd Motet: Psalm 46 with Alleluia, chant
    Recessional: "Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise" Llanfair
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    A funny about Ascension...I received yesterday a tweet from the Archbishop of Atlanta wishing everyone a happy Ascension day. The trouble is that it is celebrated on Sunday in Atlanta. The right hand not knoweth what the left hand does.
    Thanked by 2chonak BruceL
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    Ascension doesn't "happen" here until Sunday, but I received an email late yesterday that my SSA Ascension Communio Psallite Domino had been sung for Ascension at Our Most Holy Redeemer, an Anglo-Catholic church in Clerkenwell, London, England (Diocese of London in the Church of England). It was sung by an ensemble pulled together by Music Director Thomas Kell for that service.

    Then late last night I got word from Susan Carroll (Tomboysuze at the forum) that her parish choir will be singing that the same work this weekend (it is dedicated to the memory of her son Thomas), St. Bernadette Catholic Church in Silver Spring, MD.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Diocese transfers to Sunday. We will be singing:

    Entrance: Antiphon from Hymn Tune Introits (OLD 100TH)
    Psalm: Lumen Christi
    Offertory: Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise (LLANFAIR)
    Communion: Lumen Christi
    Hymn: Jesus, My Lord... (SWEET SACRAMENT)
    Recessional: A Hymn of Glory, Let Us Sing (LAAST UNS ERFREUEN)
    + Chanted ordinary from RM3
  • nun_34nun_34
    Posts: 68
    Our Lady of Grace, Guilford CT
    On Ascension Thursday we sang:

    Introit: Simple English Propers
    Mass Ordinary: Missa Lux et Origo
    Psalm: English chant (Fr. Columba Kelly)
    Creed: Credo I, English
    Offertory: Propers of the Mass (Fr. Weber), through-composed option
    Communion: English adaptation of GR melody, sung 1x,
    then Jesu Rex Admirabilis (Palestrina), 3 verses
    Recessional: Hail the day that sees him rise, LLANFAIR, 4 verses
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    I'm very glad to see my work in use. Thank you, Chonak and Ryan.

    I would have loved to have heard Jackson's Agincourt! Amazing tune.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    Jackson's Agincourt is causing me to think about substituting the Biggs Agincourt for the Marchand postlude I had planned. I may just do that!
    Thanked by 1Kathy
  • For Thursday's TLM Missa Cantata on Thursday, music by the men's schola: Propers, Mass I, Credo I, Regina caeli, with organ interludes and postlude.

    Here in the Arlington Va. diocese, the following oddly worded notice was in Thursday's edition of the diocesan paper:
    The feast of the Ascension falls on the 40th day after Easter, always a Thursday. The bishops of our province have granted permission for the celebration to be transferred to the Seventh Sunday of Easter, this year May 8.

    Now my recollection is not only that permission was given to transfer to Sunday, but celebration on Thursday was forbidden for the Vatican II Mass. Thursday morning Mass in the same parish was Thursday of sixth week of Easter. TLM can celebrate on Thursday. My hope here is that the powers that be are re-considering their decision to transfer. Or is this more a case of:
    The right hand not knoweth what the left hand does.

  • lautzef
    Posts: 69
    Immaculate Conception, Cleveland, OH

    TLM on Thursday, May 5
    (Gregorian propers as always)
    Credo III
    (polyphony all a 3:)
    Ordinary: Jacob Obrecht. Je me seray plus vert vestus
    Offertory motet anon. Festum nunc celebre
    (from Glogauer Liederbuch)
    Communion motet Adest nobis summa laetitia
    (I wrote this myself because I realized we would only have enough people for SAT polyphony - stayed up till 2AM with day job the next morning)
    Prelude Gregorio Strozzi. Euphonia (aria con partite) ( time for only 2 of the partite)
    Postlude. Ottavio Bariolla Canzon vigesima et ultima (I changed the ending slightly for Ascension so it ended an octave higher than originally written.)

    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • lautzef
    Posts: 69
    Sorry - I got corrected automatically (forever a nuisance if you are not trying to say the same thing everybody always says) - the Obrecht mass is ' Je ne seray plus vert vestus.' The attribution was tentative but I think the latest scholarly word is that it is indeed by him - not that it makes a bit of difference to me - good music is good music.

  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,103
    5:15 Ascension Day Latin Mass, St. Sebastian, Akron OH
    Our organist wasn't available, so I played for the hymn and the communion motet; otherwise unaccompanied (I am the world's lamest organist, and I'd help more singing than playing--doing both is right out.)
    Hail the day that sees him rise, LLANFAIR, 4 verses
    Mass 1, Credo 1, Gregorian Propers
    Offertory music: Salve mater (chant hymn, from Traditional Roman Hymnal)
    Communion music : Lambilotte Panis Angelicus, and I improved afterwards a bit. Yeah, kinda weak, but easy.

    A major theme of the homily was "the first novena", and our modest contribution was in keeping with that, if unintentionally.
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    Transferred to Sunday here, and the choir had the day off, so:

    Prelude: "Ave Maria" (Gerald Near)
    Entrance: "A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing"
    Sprinkling: "I Saw Water" (Nestor)
    Psalm 47
    Alleluia "O filii et filiae"
    Offertory: "Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise"
    Communion: "Alleluia, Sing to Jesus"
    Recessional/Marian Antiphon: "Regina caeli"
  • vogelkwvogelkw
    Posts: 55
    Ascension for us was on Thursday. Most Masses were our usual fare of hymns and metrical Mass setting. But at the 6:20 am Mass no musicians are assigned, so I chanted the introit, offertory, and communion propers using Adam Bartlett's English settings from the Lumen Christi Simple Gradual. The ordinary was recited, but the order of Mass was sung as I always do for Sundays and Solemnities.
  • Just returned from solemn vespers for 'Ascension' at Annunciation here in Houston, for which I sang the lesson. These vespers are sung every month or solemnity or so, featuring a professional choir, Sola Stella (for the 'Lone Star' state, for those who don't know). The choirmaster is our member Felipe Gaspar, who was Walsingham's choirmaster for several years several years ago. The pastor is Fr Paul Felix.

    The music for tonight's Ascension vespers was -

    Organ voluntary - on Lucis creator optime - Gerald Near
    Introit - 'God is gone up' - Gerald Finzi

    Office Hymn - Jesu, nostra redemptio (English) - Mode IV
    Psalm CX - Dixit Dominus - Tone I
    Psalm XLVII - Omnes gentes, plaudite (English) - Meinrad tone; faburdens: de Zachariis
    Psalm XI - Gratias agimus tibi - Anonymous Anglican chant

    Magnificat - alternatim, faburdens: Duarte Lobo; repeat of antiphon: Estevao de Brito

    Votive Antiphon - Regina caeli

    Hymn - 'Hail thee, festival day!' - Salve festa dies
    Organ voluntary - Fugue no. 2 on B-A-C-H, in B-flat - Robert Schumann

    (Psalm CX was sung antiphonally between left and right sides of the nave.
    Psalm XLVII was sung with alternatim polyphony - choir vs people
    Psalm XI was sung in directum in Anglican chant by the choir.
    Magnificat was sung with alternatim polyphony - choir vs people.)

    (The organ is a 1920-ish Pilcher in process of restoration.)

    Thanked by 1BruceL
  • SarahJ
    Posts: 54
    Introit: SEP
    Mass setting: Mass of the Resurrection
    Offertory antiphon: SEP
    Offertory hymn: Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise
    Communion: SEP, followed Jesu Rex Admirabilis (Palestrina), then Alleluia Sing to Jesus
    Regina Caeli at the end
    For prelude I played Boellman's Suite Gothique Chorale (though toned down), and played the Minuet for postlude. Not sure if I'll break up the piece like that again. For interlude I played Paraphrase of Salve Regina, by Langlais.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    Now my recollection is not only that permission was given to transfer to Sunday, but celebration on Thursday was forbidden for the Vatican II Mass. Thursday morning Mass in the same parish was Thursday of sixth week of Easter. TLM can celebrate on Thursday. My hope here is that the powers that be are re-considering their decision to transfer. Or is this more a case of:

    @David Sullivan

    My understanding was that for the N.O. the Ordinary could move the Feast (Obligation and celebration) to the Sunday. This would imply that Thursday would then have just the FERIAL Mass.
    Your notice suggests that in the N.O. you could celebrate the Feast on its Proper day and on the Sunday have the option of celebrating it as an External Solemnity.

    In England and Wales the Bishops got permission to move the Feasts to a Sunday for the EF, but we pointed out that if All Saints falls on a Monday, it cannot be celebrated as an External Solemnity on the previous Sunday as in the N.O. because the Last Sunday of October is the Feast of Christ the King.
    We also asked what we should do on the Feast, and Rome helpfully replied that in the E.F. we celebrate the Feast on its Proper day, but can also have an External Solemnity of the Feast on the transferred day used by the N.O (as long as the rubrics allow).

    Our E.F. parish does not follow the request of the Bishops and has none of their 'optional' External Solemnities, but other E.F. parishes do follow the request.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    The great thing about having Ascension on a Thursday is that one can properly observe Mother's Day. Unfortunately it got a bit more confusing than that in our little corner of the world. The school did Ascension Thursday. Saturday morning was a First Communion using some Corpus Christi-like votive Mass. Because the statue crowning didn't happen last week, May Day was transferred to the Saturday Vigil Mass. At 8:30 Sunday morning I announced the Ascension of Our Lord, sang "O men of Galilee" and the celebrant boomed "Happy Pentecost, everybody! …I mean, um…" The choir of course sang Peter Phillips' Ascendit Deus at the 11:00 Offertory, and at the badgering of the great-great grandmothers to please stand up fielded a request for "Immaculate Mary".