A REAL case of recycling
  • Greetings all!
    A friend mentioned this to me yesterday and I was SURE he was nuts, but apparently there are serious plans afoot to dismantle a large (and quite beautiful) church in Buffalo and ship it to Atlanta for a new and growing parish there. With the proliferation of new churches that rarely (if ever) look like a church and certainly lack any artistic beauty, this would be a wonderful thing indeed and perhaps give other growing parishes a serious alternative building plan.
    If you read the article in the Buffalo diocesan newspaper, the pastor of the Atlanta church kept stressing that they wanted 'a church that looked like a church' and 'a building to remind them of the mystery of their faith' and were willing to consider moving the church stone by stone (and everything inside) to reach that ends. I'd say its a pretty fantastic possibility.
    I thought I'd share the article and see if anyone on here knows anything about the music program at the Atlanta parish--one would suspect that if they want this dignified of a building, they probably aren't doing the latest sacro-pop hit with guitars and bongos. Also, would it be worth the time for the powers-that-be to check the records to see if he (or anyone at the church) belong to the CMAA and if not, to send him some info--he might be interested in our mission and purpose. The more clergy we can attract the more inroads we make.

    There are quite a few articles out about it (just google 'St Gerard' buffalo) but here is from the local paper:


    Christopher McCloskey
  • That such a beautiful church is, at no doubt great effort and expense, being 'recycled' is cause for a Te Deum!. I have viewed the pictures and can wonder only dumbfoundedly: how depraved a mind does it take even to contemplate demolishing such an exquisitely proportioned and styled work of architecture, an uncommonly and richly wrought House of God?
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,201
    As the former music director of the church in Atlanta that wants to ship St. Gerard's, it is a lovely idea that has run upon the quintessential problem:money. Its just not there right now.
    The pastor (really administrator) is a former Anglican who swam the Tiber. Does not care for chant. Does have guitars and stuff at one mass on Saturday.

    Another chapter in my church tell-all book.
  • Oh, thats a shame! From the way the articles are written, the whole project is presented as more likely than perhaps it really is. Even if the building is not moved, hopefully there will be a way to preserve it rather than bulldozing it for a parking lot.
  • JamJam
    Posts: 636
    If they can't save the church, what stops them from saving the blueprints and furnishings and just rebuilding it elsewhere?
  • It would be more economical by far to move it piece by piece or en masse. To recreate it from scratch would cost scores of millions of dollars and require the services of stone masons and sculptors who no longer exist, as well as artisans for mosaics and pavement, and varieties of solid marble and granite whose cost, today, would be all but prohibitive if they could be found and matched at all. This is why St Gerard's is more than an old, no-longer-wanted building. It is a work of art, a costly House of God, finely crafted, carved and ornamented by the human hands of skilled artisans. To think of destroying it requires great poverty of mind.
  • JamJam
    Posts: 636
    I see.

    Well, then. I hope they get all the money issues worked out. Either that, or someone who will appreciate the church where it is will move onto the scene.
  • I find it sad that the answer to the dwindling numbers attending Mass is being dealt with by tearing down churches.

    Many of the neighborhoods that surround these churches will come back as will Catholics when the Church retakes its position in the life of American Catholics instead of aping the trendiness of Protestant Churches....