Guerrero Requiem Mass Music
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    I noticed that the music for the Guerrero Requiem Mass is in the music packet for the 2013 Colloquium. It is not on CPDL, but there are no copyright notices for the engraving.. It's obviously from before 1923, so I was wondering if in fact it would be okay to splice the pages. It and the "Cuando os miro, mi Dios" which I found online, if they are both public domain editions, would make for fine editions to CPDL...

    I did more digging and found this website, so I hope it's all fair game.

    I also was curious to know if anyone knew where to find the "Tiento sobre Ad Dominum cum tribularer" by Antonio de Cabezón.

    To add to the confusion, there is, on the CD recording by the Orchestra of the Renaissance, a fantastic instrumental for the procession with the same name as the Spanish motet... Who says there shouldn't be instruments at a Requiem Mass?
  • Protasius
    Posts: 468
    1) The "Tiento sobre Ad Dominum cum tribularer" can be found on page 53 of this scan of Felipe Pedrells "Hispaniae Schola Musica sacra"

    2) The Caeremoniale Episcoporum of 1600 said, there should be neither polyphony nor organ nor instruments at Requiem mass, but only chant.
    In Missis et officijs defunctorum nec organo nec musica, quam figuratam vocant, utimur, sed cantu firmo, quem etiam in tempore Adventus & Quadragesimae in ferialibus diebus adhibere convenit. (Caer. ep., lib. 1, cap. xxviij., n. 13.)
    In the 1886 edition this was relaxed to no organ in Office, and organ in Mass only, if music is used, in such a way that the organ is silent, when there is no singing.
    In Officiis Defunctorum organa non pulsantur: in Missis autem, si musica adhibeatur, silent organa cum silet cantus; quod etiam tempore Adventus et Quadragesimae in ferialibus diebus convenit adhiberi.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    Thanks! I was being a bit flippant at the end. I think that outside of the Anglophone world, it’s somewhat of a dead letter.