Info Needed; Parish in Portland, OR-Vancouver, WA Area
  • Bassorous
    Posts: 24
    A young friend of mine a couple of years out of college is making a career move that will take her from the east coast to the Portland, Oregon-Vancouver, Washington area. Not a professional musician, she is a gifted alto with obvious vocal training, an experienced cantor, and has sung with a well-respected local choral group where acceptance is by audition only. Can any of you recommend a parish in her new home area that has a strong music program? Any information would be sincerely appreciated.
  • Cathedral in Portland has high marks, I've heard. Have a friend (who I respect highly) singing there now and am willing to share her email with you to pass along - message me if you like.
  • hilluminar
    Posts: 120
    She could also try Cantores in Ecclesia at St. Stephen's parish in Portland. Also, I hear that St. James Church in Vancouver WA (the very beautiful former Cathedral church) has a very nice choir. Also, she might want to check out St. Thomas Aquinas in Camas WA. I keep hearing that good things are coming out of St. Thomas; I know they have a very good choir director there.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,196
    Here's a link for Cantores in Ecclesia, and one for the cathedral.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • Bassorous
    Posts: 24
    A sincere thank you to those who responded to my post both here in the Forum and via email. I've received several suggestions that I will consolidate and forward to my friend. I'm sure she will be very appreciative.

    Peace and best regards.
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    If you search for St. James, Vancouver WA, they have a pretty good sacred music site, program looks very fine.