Teaching Jobs at Wonderful Catholic School
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,501
    For the past school year I have been teaching Music, Latin, and Religion at an outstanding, independent K-12 Catholic School in the most beautiful corner of the United States, just north of San Diego. All the students are on their 4th Marian antiphon, besides being familiar with the Adoro Te, the hymns for Benediction, and much more. The high school choir is polishing up their second Renaissance-era motet, on top of much chanting.

    I mention this because it gives an idea of the kind of teaching that is possible when an administration wants to give children all the best that the Church has to offer.

    I would like to ask you to think about the elementary teachers and potential elementary teachers, whom you know are looking for a more intentionally Catholic environment than they might currently enjoy. We're hiring for next year and it would be awesome to receive applications from dedicated, college-educated individuals with the spirituality and education background that would make them excellent teachers here. Teaching experience is a huge plus.

    Here's the ad at Catholic Jobs, and here is the school's website.

    I hope you don't mind this off-topic post; it's just that I believe the folks on this forum would probably understand what a wonderful environment this is. I would appreciate your help in spreading the word about this opportunity, especially to people you know well and think are a perfect fit. Thank you!