Passion Sunday Concert, Dayton, OH - Holy Family
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,939
    I'd like to inform anyone in the Dayton, OH, of a wonderful upcoming opportunity. After their regular Sunday mass, the Schola Cantorum of Holy Family Church will be presenting a concert of sacred music. This concert will help fundraise for the choir to bring Dcn. Edward Schaefer to the parish for a chant intensive this summer. Here is the news announcement from the director:

    "Holy Family parish in Dayton, OH, will hold a concert on Sunday, March 13th (Passion Sunday). Musically, the focus will be to meditate the Passion through masterworks of Polyphony and Chant, including the Allegri Miserere and other well-known pieces of Lotti, Victoria, Palestrina and the like. The free admission concert is open to all. Good-will offerings will be gratefully accepted to help further the musical education of the choir."

    I wholeheartedly encourage any lover of sacred music to make an effort to come to this concert. The director, John Schauble, has done fantastic work with the choir at this church. Besides regularly performing classic works of polyphony and chant (including all 18 ordinaries of the mass), the schola often present chants intensives of this type as well as organize special music events (I had the pleasure of singing with him for full Christmas Matins this past year.) He is also in the process of creating a comprehensive hymnal/choirbook for the usus antiquor.
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,939
    The concert will be at 1 P.M. in the church.