Latin texts for Easter Vigil
  • JoAnna
    Posts: 29
    Our new pastor is working on making our bilingual Masses (a few times a year at this point) more solemn, and one of the things we are doing is using Latin Mass parts, psalm responses and antiphons. In preparing for Easter Vigil, where can I find the Latin texts for the psalm verses in the 3-fold Alleluia for Easter Vigil? Also, looking at Breaking Bread which is what our parish has at the moment, at the time of the Baptisms there is listed "Springs of water bless the Lord..." and "Water of life cleanse and refresh us..." Are these appointed texts that we could do in Latin and if so where can I find them in Latin? Finally, during the sprinkling they have listed "I saw water flowing from the Temple..." where can I get this in Latin? Thank you for your help!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • JoAnna,

    The text "I saw water" is a version of an original Latin Vidi Aquam, the music for which is readily available at the website of the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest -- and I'm sure it's available elsewhere, too.

    As to the psalm texts, you'll need to ask yourself a question. Do I want the music which is fitting for these, or do I want modern equivalents?

    "Springs of water..." and "Water of life" are modern inventions, whatever roots they may have, somewhere.
    Thanked by 1JoAnna
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    The Graduale Romanum contains only the traditional alleluia (sung by the cantor, and repeated by all, sung by the cantor in a higher key, and repeated by all, sung a third time by the cantor in yet an even higher key, and repeated by all) and the single verse "confitemini quoniam bonus", after which the Alleluia is repeated a single time by all. The triple alleluia with multiple verses sung as a responsorial psalm does not appear in the Gradual: you would have to find a Latin edition of the Lectionary to find it, and I doubt that there are any settings. (My parish does not use the responsorial psalm after the epistle at the Easter Vigil, but only the old solemn Alleluia, since that alone is what is given in the Graduale Romanum.)

    "Springs of water", is the antiphon to be sung after the blessing of the font, when the Paschal candle is lifted out of the water (Easter vigil in the holy night, No. 47, p 364, Roman Missal, Third Edition; Chapel Ed. pub. Magnificat). It appears in the Missal without music, and would, I assume, appear thus in the Latin typical edition. Fr. Weber has written several settings of this text (in English), but I don't know who, if anyone, has written Latin settings. The text "Waters of life, refresh us..." does not appear in the Roman Missal.
    Thanked by 1JoAnna
  • fcbfcb
    Posts: 339
    The text and music for Vidi Aquam are in the Missal itself, under no. 56 in the Easter Vigil.
    Thanked by 1JoAnna
  • JonLaird
    Posts: 246
    I've attached the alleluia.
  • JonLaird
    Posts: 246
    Or it is.
    Thanked by 1JoAnna
  • The Latin text of "Springs of water":
    936 x 384 - 59K
    Thanked by 2JoAnna JonLaird
  • JonLaird
    Posts: 246
    supernoxic -- is that melody in one of the liturgical books, or did you adapt it yourself from the melody in the English? Just curious.
  • It's the setting used at papal Easter Vigils the past few years. Someone with a Missale Romanum will have to check to see if it's the same one.
    Thanked by 1JonLaird
  • In the EF, the text appointed is Sicut Cervus
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,002
    @JonLaird Yes, this is the melody from the Missale Romanum 2008 (p. 336)
    Thanked by 1JonLaird
  • JoAnna
    Posts: 29
    Chris Garton-Zavesky, this is NO not EF, but I am inexperienced and do not know how much cross-over is allowed/appropriate, and there are so many texts out there it is confusing to wade through, so maybe someone can comment on that aspect of my question? What exactly is OK or not OK? Are there guidelines I can refer to for this? My pastor is out of town at the moment, and he is great to work with; when I do meet with him about all this I would like to have some options to present. Thanks all for your comments, I am learning a lot.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    The Exultet was not among the listed texts, but for anyone’s future reference HERE is the Latin text with notation.

    In the original thread, it was pointed out the texts in the Ordo Cantus Missae and the Missale Romanum 2002 differ. In videos on Youtube (the one I saw was from 2011), the deacon at the papal liturgy sang the OCM text.
  • JoAnna,

    You have hit (inadvertently, perhaps) on the great challenge of Pope Benedict and the instructions on the liturgy.

    How to "mutually enrich" (for my money, the actual enrichment really only works one way, but let that pass) if the prescribed texts for one proscribe, music and such from the other, while at the same time acknowledging that "no one, even if he be a priest may add, remove, or alter anything on his own authority".
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,486
    "Springs of water ... " is from the Latin text (Fontes et omnia ..) given in the Graduale Simplex for the aspersion after the renewal of baptismal promises in the Easter Vigil. You'll find it on p150. The verse is the first verse of the Benedicite or Canticle of the Three Young Men from Daniel ch.3. If you need more verses, 4 more are in GS on p199 for the offertorium on Trinity Sunday, and 20 are given in the Liber Usualis for Lauds on Christmas day.
    The antiphon Fontes et omnia is also suggested as a simple alternative to Vidi aquam at aspersion throughout Eastertide, see GS p449, though here it is given verses from Ps. 177(V).