Vespers tonight in Houston
  • Two things:

    1) For those of you in town for the conference and planning to come to Vespers, it would be great to make acquaintances afterward!

    2) Here is the music plan:

    Prelude: Jehan Titelouze, “Ab ortu solis”
    Antiphons: Antiphonale Romanum II
    Psalm 110: Gregorian chant (Latin)
    Psalm 112: Anglican chant (Latin, C. H. H. Parry)
    1st Canticle: St. Meinrad (English)
    Responsory: “Illuminare, Jerúsalem”
    Magníficat: Nicolas Gombert, 6th/1st tone (1st tone ending)
    Repeat of “Tribus miráculis”: Luca Marenzio
    Recessional: “How lovely shines the morning star”
    Postlude: Louis Vierne, Organ symphony #1, mvt. VI

    … and, if you’re just tuning in:

    Vespers @ 7pm
    Annunciation Catholic Church
    1618 Texas Avenue (right by the ballpark)
    Park on the street or in the lot past the church.
  • Anglican ordinariate?
  • Not Ordinariate.
    Felipe is an admirer of things Anglican, and was choirmaster at Walsingham for about four years. For the past few years he has been choirmaster at Annunciation. He frequently does Latin psalmody to Anglican chant. Try it! You'll like it! It's really nice!
    Thanked by 1Felipe Gasper
  • Jackson,

    If I were within reasonable distance of Houston, I might just go. Sadly (at least from the perspective of my Texan friends) I'm not in Texas, or even east of the Rocky Mountains, so I'll have to miss.

    What made me think "Aha! Ordinariate" was Sir Charles Parry's Anglican chant.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • According to my airline itinerary and intentions, I was in Houston last night, and attended. According to reality, I am in Charlotte, on my way to Houston via Chicago, hoping to be in Houston by early afternoon. Sorry to have missed it, especially now that I see what happened.
  • On Jan. 27, at 7 pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of St Luke's Catholic Church on 7001 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA a very similar vespers for St. Thomas Aquinas will occur, according to the Dominican Use, in English. There will be some harmonized tones.. but the rest is more by the inviolata prose written in honour st thomas (as opposd to B.V. Mary) will close it. Anyone visiting the area that day might consider visiting or participating...