Chanting the Gloria with the Congregation
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    This comment in Pes's tract jumped out at me:

    "The remaining material to understand is the Gloria and the Credo. Whenever you sing the Gloria, you are singing an ancient hymn of the Church. The Latin is very beautiful and will be the subject of short, separate pamphlets. ***If you are lucky enough to have a Gregorian Schola in your parish, you will sing portions of these beautiful texts with them. Usually, they are the same portions."***

    We chant the Gloria every other week with the congregation, but the schola and the congregation sing the whole shebang (after Father intones it). Is that considered less preferable to the antiphonal method Pes describes? We don't sing the Credo, yet, but is the antiphonal method the way to go for that, too? I hate to reveal my ignorance so blatanty, but this never occurred to me.

  • Jan
    Posts: 242
    We sing both the Gloria & the Credo using the antiphonal method. The congregation is encouraged to sing their part through our structure: 2 cantors alternate with full schola, choir & congregation. I've been told when the schola sings 'downstair' (not in the
    loft), the congregation is more likely to sing with them. It's a start.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    WJA, both are acceptable. I think the antiphonal method is best when you have two clearly defined choirs besides just the congregation and schola, such as male/female (very effective for children!)