“For those without Latin, there is an English translation of the entire office of Holy Week at googlebooks here (PDF). 977 pages. No music. The translations look good. Perhaps this would be useful for those putting together materials.”
ah yes, the loophole of modernismIf you just say you're celebrating "monastic novus ordo", you could basically get away with anything.
§210 Before morning Lauds (sic) on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, the Office of Readings is, if possible, to be celebrated publicly and with the people taking part.
§99 If the Office of Readings is said immediately before another Hour ...
§73 ... tradition of marking the Vigil ... after both readings ... canticles may be added from the Appendix ... a Gospel passage is then read followed if desired by a homily ...
Whether that gives license to having the service on Good Friday evening, after dark, I could not say.
ah yes, the loophole of modernismIf you just say you're celebrating "monastic novus ordo", you could basically get away with anything.
loads of weird and wonderful stuff in the Directory on Popular Piety,
§144. ... Penitential practices leading to self-crucifixion with nails are not to be encouraged.
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