Miffed by the ignorance...
  • Anyone else slightly annoyed when people cite things from the GIRM and take it out of context? Take this lovely gem I just came upon.


    I wonder if he would have written this piece of advice had he read just the very next paragraph (48), which cites the 4 options for choosing the entrance chant, the first one being the antiphon from the Roman Missal???

    (Edit: This an excerpt from the Hispanic music selection guide "Liturgia y Cancion" from OCP. I wish there was a Spanish version of Cantica Nova...)
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    I'm miffed by this post.

    Purple bold.
  • @sopranoviolin: That is a difference between the U.S. GIRM and the Latin edition, by the way. The Latin reads:

    48. Peragitur autem a schola et populo alternatim, vel simili modo a cantore
    et populo, vel totus a populo vel a schola sola. Adhiberi potest sive antiphona
    cum suo psalmo in Graduali romano vel in Graduali simplici exstans, sive
    alius cantus, actioni sacræ, diei vel temporis indoli congruus, cuius textus a Conferentia Episcoporum sit approbatus.
    Si ad introitum non habetur cantus, antiphona in Missali proposita recitatur
    sive a fidelibus, sive ab aliquibus ex ipsis, sive a lectore, sin aliter ab ipso sacerdote, qui potest etiam in modum monitionis initialis (cf. n. 31) eam aptare.

    No mention is made of the Missal antiphons until the 2nd paragraph, whose subject is “if there is no singing at the entrance”. The sources for singing are the Graduale Romanum and Graduale Simplex (and whatever else the bishops’ conference approves).

    This is a much more logical hierarchy of these two than the U.S. GIRM gives. Personally, I suspect that whoever did the U.S. edition may simply not have much regarded the distinction.
  • dad29
    Posts: 2,233
    Personally, I suspect that whoever did the U.S. edition may simply not have much regarded the distinction

    Or they chose to bury it.