4. This Mass, which the Bishop concelebrates with his presbyterate, should be, as it were, a manifestation of the Priests’ communion with their Bishop. Accordingly it is desirable that all the Priests participate in it, insofar as is possible, and during it receive Communion even under both kinds. To signify the unity of the presbyterate of the diocese, the Priests who concelebrate with the Bishop should be from different regions of the diocese.
Because of the festive nature of the Chrism Mass, additional instruments would commonly be added and include brass, tympani and woodwinds. Less common would be a string orchestra, though solo string players would not be uncommon.
The Entrance Antiphon with psalm verses is to be set for congregation, choir and organ in a responsorial style with optional independent instrumental parts [preferably brass quintet or quartet & timpani]. Ideally the antiphon is set for congregational singing with the psalm verses for choir and or a cantor. Solo or choral verses would be welcome.
The Communion Antiphon with psalm verses is to be set for congregation, choir and organ in a responsorial style. Optional instruments are desirable but not required for the setting of this antiphon and psalm. Ideally the antiphon is set for congregational singing with the psalm verses for choir and or a cantor.
In my diocese, there is probably an equal number of priests and lay faithful, since most pastors seem to deputize a lay representative from their parish to receive the holy oils after Mass and take them back to the parish.The congregation is likely to consist mainly of priests (including concelebrants) and religious, so it's reasonable to expect that chant-like music is familiar to the congregation.
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