Music for Christ the King
  • What do all of you have planned for October 25, the Feast of Christ the King?
  • "Crown Him With Many Crowns" for one.
    Thanked by 1francis
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    The 4 PM Mass Christ the King chapel at Franciscan University of Steubenville will be a Solemn High Mass in the usus antiquior The schola will sing the Gregorian propers and the Ordinary is Schubert (Mass no. 2, maybe...I’m serving, so I am not sure). I do know they are singing the entire Mass, including the Credo. Considering our study abroad program is in Austria, I find this appropriate.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    Asperges (Chant)
    Byrd Mass for 3 voices (hopefully including Credo, otherwise we will sing Credo VI)
    Dominus Regnavit, Josquin Desprez, (we will split the Psalm in half and sing half at the Offertory and the other half at Communion.)
    Prayer for the Queen
    Salve Regina (Chant)

    Also as it is the 600th Anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt... we will sing this,

    Edit: the above version is not fully loading on my computer, complete version here,
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen JulieColl
  • What is the significance in your community of the battle of Agincourt, that you commemorate it at Mass 600 years after the fact?
    Thanked by 1Liam
  • I'm not in England, but now that I've remembered the anniversary, in time, I can play Agincourt, which is, quite appropriately, played to the words of the Vexilla Regis.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Mass II, Credo III, All glory laud and honor, Te saeculorum Principem, and probably Christus vincit...what we can do with 5-6 non-musicians.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,129

    Excellent question.
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Entrance: Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
    Gregorian Propers
    Messe Royale I by Henri Dumont
    Credo III
    Offertory: O quam gloriosum (Victoria)
    Communion Antiphon with verses
    Communion Motet: Pange Lingua (Pitoni)
    Closing: Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven (with descant)
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    I think tomjaw being in England makes Agincourt significant.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    Andrew / Liam

    Here in England the battle of Agincourt, at least among the educated, is still an important event and worthy of being celebrated. Many of us study Shakespeare in school, the play is familiar to many people, and the imagery is regularly revived during the many military campaigns the English (British) have fought.

    Also members of our community regularly arrange Requiem Masses for various Kings, Statesmen and our war dead. In England we even have permission to have a Votive Requiem Mass for the Dead of the World Wars on the SUNDAY nearest the 11th November! You may think that this is not ideal way to replace the Sunday Mass, and I would agree with you but it is now a long standing and popular custom.

    I also would agree that the Salve Festa... processional Hymn is not really suitable for Mass. It appears to have been written to commemorate the battle of Agincourt, and was sung during a procession in London, at around the same time as the battle was fought. Our director of music has used it at Mass on the Feast of St George in the past but we have only ever managed to sing the first couple of verses, so missing the more secular verses later on in the piece.

    From a look though the list I posted, there will only be time to sing this as a processional either before Mass or after Mass, there will be no time to sing it during Mass, that time will be more than taken up with the Propers and the Dominus Reganvit.

    I presume we will end up singing all the verses in the parish hall after Mass, with a few celebratory drinks and the many children will be able to dress up, and perhaps refight the battle outside...
  • Organ
    Chorale Prelude ‘Heut’ trumphieret Gottes Sohn’ BWV 630 Johann Sebastian Bach
    Dialogue sur les mixtures from Suite Brève, Op. 54 (1947) Jean Langlais
    Ordinary: Mass XI Orbis factor
    Proper: Graduale Romanum
    Motet: Duo seraphim Richard Dering
    Chant: Laudes Regiae (Christus vincit)
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,129

    I wasn't aware you were in England, but that clarified things. It would mystify me to see it celebrated at Mass elsewhere, though even in England, the Shakespearean referent is of course irrelevant at best in the context of Mass. (PS: I feel the same way if someone worked Lincoln's Gettysburg Address into Mass.)
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996

    I think tomjaw being in England makes Agincourt significant.

    I'm not in England, but the Agincourt arrangement for organ by E. Power Biggs is looking like a real possibility as postlude for Christ the King.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,129

    Be prepared for partisans of Ste Jeanne to object.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    One ought to celebrate both Henry V and St. Jeanne d'Arc...

    And tomjaw, it's a parish club worth celebrating in... If only we could serve beer in ours! I'm told that the bishops don't allow parishes to re-open clubs that had been closed. Sad.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,129
    Well, we do know that Ste Jeanne is ... a saint. We don't know about Henry V.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    Well, one ought to celebrate in thanksgiving for his life, the battle, and the peace he brought.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • (slightly) off topic: I had to resist the temptation to improvise on "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken" -- the tune is Austria, and somehow I was tempted because of Father's sermon this week -- and instead used National Hymn as the basis of a trumpet fanfare.
  • lautzef
    Posts: 69
    As for polyphony, we sang Guerrero's Missa Inter vestibulum with Credo IV. The Offertory motet was the Palestrina Jesu Rex admirabilis (I wrote out a version with all the verses and we did them alternatim with the chant); the Communion motet was from the Kodex Nicolaus Leopold (composer unknown, as with most of these. The principal text was missing and I put the text of Te seculorum principem in. The propers were of course all chant, and we sang the antiphon to the Magnificat after the communion motet as it was just a little too short. Organ music was the Sweelinck Ricercar before and Walcha Erhalt uns Herr afterward.

    Fred L.
  • lautzef
    Posts: 69
    In the above post, I wrote, "...the original text was missing..." but of course the computer knows better...
  • The Vigil of Christ the King at St Basil's Chapel at UST, Houston.
    Sung by St Basil's Schola Cantorum
    Celebrant: the Rev. Michael G. Earthman, of St. Mary's Seminary
    5.00pm, Saturday, 21 November 2015

    English NO with Fr Columba's Gregorian mass adaptations (except for Greek kyrie)
    and the Palmer-Burgess propers (except for the RespPs, which is my own composition with developed chant melodies for the verses).

    All the lectionary will be sung, as will be the universal prayers, orate fratres, the canon, invitation to communion, and literally everything else except the confiteor (and the homily).
    Not a single non-ritual syllable will be uttered by anyone.

    There is no accompaniment for any of the mass. All is a capella.

    Organ Voluntary - in C - - - Anonymous, XVIIIth century English
    Introit - Dignus est Agnus - - - Mode III
    Kyrie - Mass XI, Orbis Factor (Xth cent. version) - - - Mode I
    Gloria - The Ambrosian Gloria - - - Mode IV
    The Lesson - Aspiciebam ergo in visione noctis - - - Daniel 7.13-14
    Psalm XCIII - Dominus regnavit - - - Mode V
    The Revelation - Iesu Christus, qui est testis fidelis - - - Revelation1.5-8
    Alleluya and Verse - Potestas ejus - - - Mode I
    The Holy Gospel - Pilatus vocavit Iesum - - - St. John 18.33b-37
    The Nicene Creed - Credo I - - - Mode IV
    The Offertory Antiphon - Postula a me - - - Mode IV
    Motet at the Offertory - Alleluya Psallat - - - Anonymous, ca. 1290
    (The Roman Canon)
    Sanctus - Mass XI - - - Mode II
    Agnus Dei - Mass XI - - - Mode I
    Our Father - - - Mode VII
    The Communion Antiphon - Sedebit - - - Mode VI
    Psalm XXIX - Afferte Domino - - - Tone VI
    (Antiphon - Sedebit)
    Motet - Qui vult venire (from Cantiones Duarum Vocum) - - - Orlandus Lassus
    Votive Antiphon - Salve Regina - - - Mode V
    Organ Voluntary - Praeludium in A-minor (BWV 543) - - - J.S. Bach

    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    I think you need to "Gather us in" as a prelude. A banjo and guitar version.
    Thanked by 1CharlesW
  • Well, I thought about it, but was afraid it wouldn't be considered a 'cantus aptus'... you know how these people can be.
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    We did the five propers in polyphonic settings by Wilhelm Waldbroel. Since June we've being doing a polyphonic Mass once a month, and we got more compliments for this one than for anything else we've done so far.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    Pre-mass confusion and divas in the loft trying to find their disorganized music. Somehow, the Spirit intervenes and all settles into place, interrupting the exchange of recipes and information about family members. LOL.

    Entrance: "To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King" (Ich Glaub An Gott)
    Mass Ordinary: ICEL Chants
    Psalm: "The Lord is King..." by J. Gerald Phillips - WLP
    Offertory" "Thanks Be to Thee" - Handel (choral arrangement) *
    Communion: Chant by R. Rice *
    Communion: "Crown Him with Many Crowns" (Diademata)
    Recessional: "Rejoice, the Lord is King" (Darwall's 148th)
    Postlude: "Agincourt Hymn" Dunstable arr. by E. Power Biggs

    * incidental time filler pieces by Marchand
    Thanked by 2JulieColl tomjaw
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    Here in Steubenville, the Schubert Mass no. 2 was glorious. At the Offertory, they sang Aiblinger’s “Jubilate Dei,” and at Communion they sang Mozart’s “Ave verum corpus.” We have lost the little organ that we used for preintonations and the processional and recessional, so there was no processional music, but the director decided to sing the SalveRegina (simple, since it was last minute and it is in the hymnal) at the end.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Probably (from what I can remember):

    OF (So Christ the King is the Sunday last before Advent Sunday).

    Organ Prelude: Prelude a la Introit: Tournemire
    Introit: Fr. Weber (option I)
    Introit Hymn: Tietze
    Kyrie: VIII
    Gloria: VIII
    Alleluia: Mode II melismatic, PBC
    Offertory: Fr. Weber (option II)
    Anthem: Christ is the world's true light (OEAB)
    Sanctus: More Ambrosiano
    Acclamation: Roman Missal
    Agnus: Mass of St. Teresa (Willan)
    Communion: Fr. Weber (option I)
    Hymn(s): ?
    Organ Interlude: ?
    Parish Antiphon
    Postlude: Prelude and Fugue in D Major: Bach
  • We did the five propers in polyphonic settings by Wilhelm Waldbroel.

    There's a name I've never encountered. Nor Mr. Zuccalmaglio (his "real" name). He's also spelled Waldbruhl. Nothing comes up in cpdl, and nothing sacred in IMSLP. And how is it that he wrote a complete set of Propers for a feast instituted over 50 years after his death? Hip us to this fellow and his music, incantu, please...
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    Different guy. This one is 1896–1952. Beyond that I don't know much except that we was part of a group of German-speaking composers that set the Proper of the Mass in real choral settings (not psalm tones or falsobordone). I've also done his Viri Galilei and an alternatim setting of Mass X. Later this season we'll do the Spiritus Domini (Quack) suite of propers for Pentecost and Cogitationes (Pfiffner) for Sacred Heart. All very fresh and modern, but also worthy and performable.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    TV Mass
    Prelude - Fuguing Tune for Trumpet and Organ - Wetzler
    Hymn: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King ICH GLAUB AN GOTT
    Entrance Chant LCM
    Kyrie & Gloria - Missa Octavi Toni, Lasso
    Psalm LCM
    Alleluia LCM/Meloche
    Offertory Chant LCM
    Ubi Caritas, Childers
    Sanctus / Agnus Dei VIII
    Communion LCM
    O Sacrum Convivium, Bartolucci
    Recessional Hymn - Christus Vincit, Unknown/Bartlett
    Postlude - Trumpet Tune in G Major, Roberts

    Solemn Mass
    Prelude - Fuguing Tune for Trumpet and Organ - Wetzler
    Introit - GR
    Kyrie & Gloria - Missa Octavi Toni, Lasso
    Psalm LCM
    Alleluia LCM/Meloche
    Offertory Chant LCM
    Ubi Caritas, Childers
    Sanctus / Agnus Dei VIII
    Communion - GR
    O Sacrum Convivium, Bartolucci
    Recessional Hymn - To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King ICH GLAUB AN GOTT
    Postlude - Trumpet Tune in G Major, Roberts
    Thanked by 2SarahJ CHGiffen
  • henry
    Posts: 245
    The Communion Antiphon ends with "God will bless His people with peace" or something like that, so I used Psalm 29 (Praise the Lord) Florian/WLP.
  • Last evening St Basil's Schola Cantorum and about a hundred others, including seven or so servers (students of UST) and Fr Michael Earthman offered the mass outlined above. Even the homily was delivered to the tonus homilius (which, Adam, is vary similar to the recto tono), which is remarkably like normal speech (so like it, in fact, that one cannot tell the difference). We even sang the confiteor (for which there exists no music or chant) recto tono (and I was wishing that Adam was there to bask in it).
  • Psalm LCM (Matthew)

    I am confused.
    By my calculations this, LCM, would be, correctly written, psalm DCCCL, or 850. What am I missing?
  • SarahJ
    Posts: 54
    We had another choir join our own today, it was glorious! They sang the Propers, but we joined them for some of them.
    Mass setting: Missa de Angelis
    Introit: from GR
    Gradual & Alleluia: GR
    Offertory: GR, followed by Be Thou My Vision
    Communion: GR, followed by Jesu Rex Admirabilis (Palestrina), followed by "Lord Who at Thy First Eucharist"
    Closing: Crown Him With Many Crowns
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    Jackson, in this context, I think that Matthew takes LCM to mean "Lumen Christi Missal" or something like that. "LCM" cannot be construed as a proper Roman numeral ("L" cannot precede "M", "D" or "C" anywhere, just as "V" cannot precede "C", "L" or "X" anywhere).
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California
    Order of Music- Our Lord Jesus Christ the King: Nov. 22, 2015

    Introit: S “The lamb who was slain …” Simple English Propers/Adam Bartlett
    Entrance: S TO JESUS CHRIST OUR SOVREIGN KING Ich glaub an Gott
    Ordinary : S Kyrie/Glory to God-Mass of St. Philip Neri/Paul Jernberg E Kyrie/Glory to God - Healing of the World /Trevor Thomson

    Responsorial: SE Respond & Acclaim

    Gospel Accl.: S Alleluia”- Missa Ascensiones-Chuck E. Giffen
    E Mass for Healing of the World /Trevor Thomson

    Offertory: S CROWN OF THORNS
    E JESUS, THE LORD (O’Connor)

    Eucharistic Accl.:S Holy/MemAcc./Lamb of God-Jernberg Amen Missa Ascensiones-
    E Mass for Healing of the World /Trevor Thomson

    Communion Procession: SE “The Lord will reign” SimpleCommunio/Richard.Rice
    E BEHOLD THE LAMB (Willett)

    Communion Anthem: S THE KING SHALL COME
    E IN CHRIST ALONE Getty+Townend

    Recessional: S CROWN HIM WITH MANY CROWNS (Diademata)

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • this context...

    Ah so! The Lumen Christi Missal. I would never have thought of it. I just wondered: 'where did he learn his Roman numerals!?'.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700

    Ah so! The Lumen Christi Missal. I would never have thought of it. I just wondered: 'where did he learn his Roman numerals!?'.

    It would be odd that I listed the same Roman numeral for the Offertory chant and countless other things... Though I suppose I could just really think that's the best Roman numeral...
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    It would be odd that I listed the same Roman numeral for the Offertory chant and countless other things... Though I suppose I could just really think that's the best Roman numeral...

    It would be even more odd (pun!!), becaue LCM is not a Roman numeral at all, as I pointed out. That might make it the worst Roman non-numeral, though. Just sayin'.
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    We had a sung mass where everything was sung, except for the homily.

    Pro: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King
    Introit: SEP
    Confiteor: recto tono
    All parts of the mass: Orbis Factor
    Gloria: Canadian ICEL with parts and descant
    Psalm: from the CCCB Catholic Book of Worship
    Readings were chanted by a parishioner who was most excellent
    Gospel Acclamation: a Ukrainian Alleluia we use
    Gospel chanted by our deacon who also sang beautifully
    Nicene Creed: We used Sañez's setting and it was very successful. It was easy for the congregation to join:
    Chanted intentions with the Hail Mary which is often sung at the Angelus
    Offertory Hymn: Crown Him With Many Crowns
    Offertory proper: Gregorian chant: Postula a me
    Communion Hymn: All Glory Praise and Honour
    Communion Proper: SEP
    Recessional: The Holy City
  • Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
    Grand Rapids, Michigan

    Solemn Mass (English)
    Solemnity of Christ the King
    Parish Choir
    Brass Action Quintet (resident ensemble) with timpani

    Proper: English Chant (Richard Rice)
    Psalm: 16th-century fauxbourdons (arr. Samuel Schmitt)
    Ordinary: Roman Missal chants
    Antiphon: Christus Vincit (Noyon, arr. G Hancock)
    Sonata (Die Bänkelsängerlieder) Daniel Speer
    Canzon prima “La Spiritata” Ch. 186 Giovanni Gabrieli
    Canzon seconda Ch. 187
    ‘Crown Him with many crowns’ (Diademata; arr. brass, timpani, organ by Stirling Procter)
    ‘Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!’ (Hyfrydol; arr. brass, timpani, organ by Stirling Procter)
    ‘To Jesus Christ our Sovereign King’ (Ich glaub an Gott)
    ‘All hail the power of Jesus’ Name’ (Coronation)

    Solemn High Mass (Extraordinary Form)
    25th Anniversary of the Traditional Latin Mass
    in the Diocese of Grand Rapids
    Madrigal Singers of Grand Rapids Community College
    Men’s Schola
    Girls’ Schola
    Ordinary: Messe Basse (Fauré)
    Gloria XI, Creed I
    Propers: Graduale Romanum
    Motet: Nigra sum (Casals)
    Hymn: Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Vigiles et sancti)
    Organ: Praeludium in F (Lubeck)
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen rich_enough
    November 22, 2015 - St. John the Evangelist Parish, Hopkinton MA

    PRELUDE: Prelude on Dignus est agnus (Gregorian Chant)
    PROCESSIONAL: To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King (ICH GLAUB AN GOTT) arr. Chepponis
    KYRIE: Mass XVI*
    GLORIA: Roman Missal*
    PSALM: Chabanel Psalmody (Jeff Ostrowski)
    ALLELUIA: Mode VI, Chant
    OFFERTORY: Hail, Redeemer, King Divine (SALZBURG) 10am: Descant by C.H. Giffen
    SANCTUS: Roman Missal
    MYSTERIUM FIDEI: Roman Missal, Form A
    COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Fr. Samuel Weber*
    COMMUNION MOTET [10AM]: Jesu! Rex Admirabilis (G. P. da Palestrina)*
    COMMUNION HYMN: At the Name of Jesus (KING'S WESTON)
    HYMN AFTER MASS: Crown Him with Many Crowns (DIADEMATA)
    POSTLUDE: Improvisation on 'Christus Vincit'

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • St. Mary, Pine Bluff [PB] — 9:15 AM
    St. Ignatius, Mount Horeb [MH] — 4:00 PM (anticipated), 11:00 AM
    Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin

    Hymn before Mass: Jesus Shall Reign (DUKE STREET)
    Introit: SEP (SATB verses [PB])
    Kyrie: Mass XVI
    Gloria: Mass of the Resurrection (DeBruyn)*
    Responsorial Psalm: Mode V, arr. Esguerra
    Alleluia: Mode VII, arr. Esguerra
    — [PB]: SEP (SATB verses)
    — [MH]: composite metrical paraphrase of Psalm 2 (MORNING SONG)
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Memorial Acclamation: Roman Missal Third Edition, Form C
    Amen: chanted, recto tono
    Lord's Prayer: Roman Missal Third Edition (USA)
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    — [PB]: Sedebit Dominus w/verses (Gregorian chant); SEP (SATB verses); Tollite portas (G.B. Martini)
    — [MH]: SEP; Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (PICARDY)
    Hymn after Mass: To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King (ICH GLAUB AN GOTT)

    *The Diocesan Office of Worship requested that all parishes learn this setting, which is earmarked for OF Confirmation Masses. At these locations it is tentatively earmarked for Christmas Time, Easter Time, and Ordinary Time 28–34.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    I make (LC)M to be 950. Lumen Christi seems implausible, that would be LXM; I'm thinking along the lines Long, no, Common Meter.

    We had:

    Prelude to The Dream of Gerontinius (Elgar)
    "Crown Him with many crowns" DIADEMATA
    Kyrie (Victoria: Missa O quam gloriosa)
    Gloria. Sanctus & Agnus (Ostrowski: Mass in hon. St Sherwin)
    Haydn's Aus dem Danklied zu Gott "Du bist's dem Ruhm und Ehre"
    "The Lord sits" (Br. Ford's American Gradual), "What wondrous love is this" WONDROUS LOVE
    "To JC our Sovereign King" ICH GLAUB AN GOTT
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    "L" preceding "C" in a Roman numeral is forbidden, but l like the "X" for Christi.
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    I thought I would use "JC" as a short form for Jesus Christ in my choir programs, but now I'm leaning towards "JX" just to confuse people more than they already are.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen CharlesW