Offertory Psalm verses
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Here's a question for you brains to consider;
    I've noticed that there are psalm verses in the gr. Simplex for the Offertory antiphons. Is it common to have psalm verses for the offertory ant? I am not aware of any other sources that have psalms for the Off antiphons.
  • The 1935 Offertoriale has psalm verses for the GR Offertories.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • It is not common to have verses sung with the Offertory chant. But it is permitted, and in some places they do it regularly. Note that the verses in the 1935 Offertoriale are based on the psalms, but in many cases are not literally "psalm verses" inasmuch as the words have been rearranged into new compositions. See Rebecca Maloy's Inside the Offertory for a discussion of this.
  • "Some places", says Arthur, looking over his left shoulder to those of us who live in the South Bay.

    We sing these verses on a weekly basis. Sometimes we sing one verse. Sometimes we sing 2. On rare occasions (we had one recently) we truncate a verse because a single verse is longer than we have to sing.

  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    It should be noted that the Gregorian offertory is not an antiphon but a responsory, since its verses are melismatic like a gradual, rather than recitative like an introt.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Thank you.