Translator? (Francisce, Christi signifer)
  • davido
    Posts: 963
    Could anyone translate the following responsory for me? My elementary Latin and Google Translate are not getting me too far. I have the general gist of the text, but I am looking for a translation I could put in a worship aid.

    Francisce, Christi signifer,
    Minórum pater páuperum,
    Qui carnem, mundum, daémonem,
    Vivens vicísti iúgiter.

    ℟. In caelis regnans prótege
    Qui tua poscunt múnera,
    Et cunctis in perículis
    Benígnus ópem tríbue.

    ℣. Amóre Christi Dómini
    Succénsus, eius vúlnera
    In carne tua caélitus
    Dignus fuísti accípere.
  • davido
    Posts: 963
    The chant looks like this
    St. Francis chant.pdf
  • Thou, Francis bar'st the marks of Christ,
    O father to the poor and least:
    In living thou hast conquered world,
    and flesh, and devil constantly.

    R. Now throned in glory do protect
    All who of thee thy gifts request,
    And in all danger graciously
    thy helping power e'er bestow.

    V. Enraptured by the love of Christ,
    the Lord's own wounds didst worthy bear
    Upon thy flesh, O heavenly Saint,
    That thou didst merit to receive.

    It's in meter and accents right. Perhaps you don't need that...
    Thanked by 1igneus
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,202
    "bar'st"? Should that be "bearest" or, mayhaps, "bear'st"?
  • No, that's the old past tense. As in, "Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou barest witness, behold, the same baptizeth."

    Although I suppose it would be true in the present tense, as well. So there's a choice.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • And the Gather Comprehensive/ICEL 1973 version:

    You, Francis, bore with Christ our pain,
    O friend to all the marg'nalized:
    Your living has lit up the world,
    And helps us love our gift of life.

    R. You live with God now, up on high,
    We pray to you with loving hearts,
    Help us when in perplexity
    No one's help but yours will do.

    V. Embraced by God's own tender arms,
    You shine with joy and love and light,
    O may we shine like you today,
    And love each other more, we pray.
    Thanked by 3CHGiffen davido Kathy
  • davido
    Posts: 963
    Haha! that's great! I think the Gather version must be something they sang at a papal mass this week.

    I didn't actually need it in versified form, but now that you did it, I might set it to the chant tune. Thanks so much!
  • Always a pleasure to be the Latin major hob-nobbing with the church musicians.
    Thanked by 3Adam Wood JulieColl G
  • davido
    Posts: 963
    Seven years on, and I finally put both the original Latin and Nihil's English translation into GABC. PDF files from Source and Summit editor are also attached.

    title:Francisce, Christi signifer. ;
    subtitle:(Responsorum ex libris Italiae);
    (c3)Fran(e)cís(fvED')ce,(e) Chri(f')sti(e) sí(fgwhg)gni(fe)fer,(e.) (,)
    Mi(g)nó(iji')rum(h) pa(gf)ter(e) (z) páu(f')pe(d)rum,(e.) (;)
    Qui(g) car(i')nem,(i) mun(j)dum,(i) daé(h')mo(g)nem,(fge.) (,)
    Vi(e)vens(fvED') vi(e)(z)cí(f)sti(e) iú(fgwhg)gi(fe)ter(e.) (::) (Z)

    R/ In(i) cae(j')lis(i) re(j')gnans(h) pró(ijwk)te(j)ge(i.) (,)
    Qui(g) tu(ij)a(i) po(h')scunt(f) mú(g')ne(f)ra(e.) (;) (z)
    Et(i) cun(j')ctis(k) in(l) per(kj)í(i)cu(j)lis(i.) (,)
    Be(i)ní(g')gnus(h) o(gf)pem(e) trí(fgwhg)bu(fe)e(e.) (::) (Z)

    V/ A(e)mó(fvED')re(e) Chri(f')sti(e) Dó(fgwhg)mi(fe)ni(e.) (,)
    Suc(g)cén(iji')sus(h) e(gf)ius(e) vúl(f')ne(d)ra(e.) (;) (z)
    In(g) car(i')ne(i) tu(j)a(i) caé(h')li(g)tus(fge.) (,)
    Di(e)gnus(fvED') fu(e)í(f')sti ac(e)cí(fgwhg)pe(fe)re.(e.) (::) (Z)

    R/ In(i) cae(j')lis.(i) (::)
    V/ Gló(e)ri(g)a(h) Pa(ij)tri,(i') et(i) Fí(i)li(gh)o,(i.) (,) et(i) Spi(g)rí(h')tu(g)i(fe) (z) San(fgwhg)cto.(fe..) (::)
    R/ In(i) cae(j')lis.(i) (::)

    title:Francisce, Christi signifer;
    subtitle:Responsory from Italian books;
    text-left:Tr. Sean Connolly, 2015;
    text-right:Ed. David O'Donnell, 2022;
    (c3)Thou,(e) Fran(fvED')cis(e) bar'st(f') the(e) marks(fgwhg) of(fe) Christ,(e.) (,)
    O(g) fa(iji')ther(h) to(gf) the(e) poor(f') and(d) least:(e.) (;)
    In(g) life(i') hast(i) thou(j) con(i)quered(h') the(g) world,(fge.) (,)
    the(e) flesh,(fvED') the(e) dev(f)il,(e) con(fgwhg)stant(fe)ly.(e.) (::) (Z)

    R/ Now(i) throned(j') in(i) glo(j')ry(h) do(ijwk) pro(j)tect(i.) (,)
    All(g) who(ij) of(i) thee(h') thy(f) gifts(g') re(f)quest,(e.) (;)
    And(i) in(j') all(k) dan(l)ger(kj) gra(i)cious(j)ly(i.)
    thy(i) help(g')ing(h) pow(gf)er(e) e'er(fgwhg) be(fe)stow.(e.) (::) (Z)

    V/ En(e)rap(fvED')tured(e) by(f') the(e) love(fgwhg) of(fe) Christ,(e.) (,)
    the(g) Lord's(iji') own(h) wounds(gf) didst(e) wor(f')thy(d) bear(e.) (;)
    Up(g)on(i') thy(i) flesh,(j) O(i) heav'n(h')ly(g) Saint,(fge.) (,)
    That(e) thou(fvED') didst(e) mer(f')it(e) to(fgwhg) re(fe)ceive.(e.) (::) (Z)

    R/ Now(i) throned(j') in.(i) (::)
    V/ Glo(e)ry(e) to(g) the(h) Fa(ij)ther,(i') and(i) to(i) the(gh) Son,(i.) (,) and(i) to(g) the(h') Ho(g)ly(fe) (z) Spir(fgwhg)it.(fe..) (::)
    R/ Now(i) throned(j') in.(i) (::)
    Untitled Document (6).pdf
    Untitled Document (4).pdf
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,027
    Cool! Now compose a hip and happening’ tune for my GIA / 1973 Sacramentary version.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,224
    Since we're re-opening the thread, here's another version, for what it's worth. Let's call it an "adaptation" rather than a "translation":

    O Francis, bearing Jesus’ marks,
    and father of the lowly poor,
    who living conquered constantly
    the flesh, the devil, and the world:

    R. In heaven reigning, be a guard
    for those who ever seek your aid;
    and grant your kindly favor here
    for all in danger and in need.

    V. All-burning with the love of Christ,
    you were made worthy to receive
    in your own flesh the very wounds
    our Savior bore on Calvary.

    R. In heaven reigning, …

    V. Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.

    R. In heaven reigning, …
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen sdtalley3