Daily Mass readings in two volumes for pews?
  • Heath
    Posts: 966
    My boss said he thought he came across a resource like this . . . we have a significant daily Mass crowd and are looking for different options than the temporary missalettes we currently use.
  • International Liturgy Publications (ILP) is preparing to offer a daily Mass book, Word & Eucharist daily. I can't remember if it is one- or two-volume.
  • RevAMG
    Posts: 162
    You said you are using temporary missalettes; I presume you are using Today's Missal with Daily Readings from OCP? That seems like the most cost-effective resource at the moment, even though I am not usually a fan of disposable missalettes. There is also the option of ordering Magnificats for everyone or Give Us This Day from Liturgical Press. At the parish where I am assigned, the parish office makes a yearly subscription for anyone who wants to subscribe to Magnificat. The individual covers the cost.

    The other options that I know of (though more expensive!) would be to order enough Daily Roman Missals from MTF or the two-volume set from Catholic Book Publishing Corp.: Advent to Pentecost and Pentecost to Advent.

    I think it depends on what you are needing the resource for...is it just for the readings or are you looking for something musical, too? I think most parishes (even those with a significant daily Mass crowd) leave it up to the individual to bring their own resource, if they want one.
  • RomanticStrings is correct. ILP will have a daily reading version of the Word & Eucharist Catholic Mass Book . It is one volume.
    There will be a daily reading version of the Book of Sacred Liturgy which will be a two volume set - Year 1 and Year 2 .
    It is projected to be available by the end of the year.
  • I thought there was a two-volume set, too, but I couldn't find it in my correspondences with ILP.
  • Chaswjd
    Posts: 266
    Have you thought of not getting booklets? I have always thought that booklets containing readings distract from the aural activity of listening to the proclamation of scripture. I understand having some for those with hearing difficulties. However i think the average person in the pew should connect with the reading by actively listening and not following along in a booklet.
    Thanked by 1a_f_hawkins