I know that my Redeemer lives,
And on that final day of days,
His voice shall bid me rise again:
Unending joy, unceasing praise!
This hope I cherish in my heart:
To stand on earth, my flesh restored,
And, not a stranger but a friend,
Behold my Savior and my Lord.
\version "2.19.26"
global = {
\key d \major
\time 2/2
music = \relative c' {
d2 fis4 g |
a2 b4( cis) |
d2 cis4( b) |
a1 | \break
a2 a4 a |
b2 a |
g fis |
e1 | \break
fis2 fis4 e |
d( fis) a( d) |
b ( a) g( fis) |
e1 \break
a2 b4 cis |
d2. g,4 |
fis2 e |
stanzaI = \lyricmode {
I know that my Re -- deem -- er lives,
\set stanza = #"1. " And on that fi -- nal day of days,
\set stanza = #"1. " His voice shall bid me rise a -- gain:
\set stanza = #"1. " Un -- end -- ing joy, un -- ceas -- ing praise!
stanzaII = \lyricmode {
This hope I cher -- ish in my heart:
\set stanza = #"2. " To stand on earth, my flesh re -- stored,
\set stanza = #"2. " And, not a stran -- ger but a friend,
\set stanza = #"2. " Be -- hold my Sav -- ior and my Lord.
\score {
\new Staff {
\new Voice = "music" \music
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "music" { \set stanza = #"1. " \stanzaI }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "music" { \set stanza = #"2. " \stanzaII }
\layout { }
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