OT XXIV - first Sunday of the "Choral Year" for many
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    For many this Sunday is the first Sunday of the "Choral Year" or "Choral Season."

    What's going on at your place?
  • First full choir rehearsal last night. We got a new tenor. A real one! (I'm a baritone who fakes being a tenor -- it's nice to sing next to a real one.)
  • I getting to help form a new choir director at a local parish - he is a great guitarist, though doesn't yet read music, full of faith, and eager to learn what the Church actually requires for music at Mass. The priest of the parish is willing to sing, and to work and practice on singing his parts so this Mass can be developed in the direction of a completely sung Mass. Great fun as a project, just wish it was happening in my parish so I could actually take part and not just work as a coach. However it is still a fun thing to get a chance to do. You really only appreciate the huge amount of work done on CMAA when you are putting together the basics to try to train someone from scratch on what the church wants, and the resources to do it. Thanks!
    Please pray for the guitarist, the priest, and the parish, if you would be so kind. There is such good will there to praise the Lord in a fitting liturgy.
    Thanked by 1gregp
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Gregorian introit, offertory, Mass XI, and Mozart Ave Verum Corpus. We need to start slooooow this year.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Gradually folding in Richard Rice's SATB "De Angelis" which will give maestro Jernberg's Ordinart a rest. Started rehearsing last week, 6 new members to schola (woohoo), also gradually going to add Dr. Naples' OFFERTORY Propers in a "stuffed" situation, as we do Richard's CHORAL COMMUNIOS. And in addition to anthems/motets, we'll rotate pieces by Allen, Kwasniewski, Morber and others of our merry band.