Request for Family Prayers
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Hello CMAA Friends:
    Please forgive me for mentioning a family request:
    Please pray for our son Maximillian who is autistic.

    We are also attempting to raise funds for our son Max's ABA therapy.
    We have found that this therapy is very helpful for him.
    We have a gofund site, and here is a link to the video:

    I understand you all have many family needs also, so If your can't contribute, could you pray for Max?
    and/or forward the link to someone who might be interested?

    Thank you all!!
    God Bless you all in your blessed work.
    Gregory Hamilton and Amanda.
  • Greg and Amanda,
    I'm a counselor at a school for the autistic in my alter-ego, so I totally empathize. Expect my donation soon, as well as a novena to St. Dymphna prayed on your behalf.

    Just remember two things:
    1. Gregorian chant (as well as traditional liturgical forms) work wonders helping autistic children function and concentrate. I know this from first-hand experience. (Anyone experienced enough to do an in-depth study on this?)
    2. In spite of all the extra work and worry, autistic children are some of the greatest 'gifts' with which God has blessed this earth.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Thank you for this Stimson! I will take that to heart about chant.
    And thank you so much for your prayers. I will pray for your students.
    Yes, I do believe autistic children have something special.
    God Bless you.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Thank you all for your prayers!!
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Here's the link again if you missed the video: