I wanted to put forth the following invitation to an adult formation series that I am presenting at my parish the next several months. The sessions can be attended in person or online through Google Plus. Online participants can join during the live sessions or view the material anytime afterward.
I am in debt to many people for all that I have learned about sacred music, which includes those on this forum. I am not a musician like many of you, but simply an associate pastor at a typical Catholic parish, who has been transformed by the Church's sacred music. My focus tends to be theology and spirituality as I hope to introduce more parishioners to the riches of the sacred music tradition and the Church's vision for sacred music.
BASIC (Beginning Apologetic Studies in Catholicism)
Catholic Sacred Music
Music in all forms has a powerful effect upon the soul. The sacred music used in Christian liturgy is meant to give glory to God and help us grow in holiness. Discover the riches of the sacred music of the Church, a tradition Vatican II called “a treasure of inestimable value” that forms a “necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy.”
Features include: · Origins of sacred music, development & renewal · Sing the Psalms in the Liturgy of the Hours · Singing the Mass verses singing at Mass. · Join in sung night prayer
Eight sessions will be held by Fr. Kevin Vogel on Fridays from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm CST in the St. Columbkille Parish Steinhausen Center, Papillion, NE.
11 Sept 2015: Jewish Roots of Sacred Music 9 Oct 2015: Gregorian Chant 6 Nov 2015: Sacred Polyphony 4 Dec 2015: Vatican II in Continuity 8 Jan 2016: Sacrifice of the Mass 12 Feb 2016: Liturgy of the Hours 4 Mar 2016: Catholic Hymnody 8 Apr 2016: Omaha Core Repertoire
There are three ways to participate in BASIC Catholic Sacred Music:
1. Attend in person.
Eight sessions will be held 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm CST in the Steinhausen Center, St. Columbkille Parish, 200 East 6th St, Papillion, NE 68046. Printed handouts will be provided, but can also be found on the BASIC series website.
2. Watch and participate live or watch later through Google Plus.
One advantage of watching live through Google Plus is the ability to interact with Fr. Vogel by asking questions. Also, links to the handouts and music playlists will be shown beside the video. One can also use this method to watch the presentation at a later date. One does not need a Google Plus account to use this method. Use the following links to access the presentations those evenings 7:00 - 8:30 pm CST:
Links to handouts and music playlists will not be shown on the video page, but they will be available through the BASIC website or Google Plus. One will not be able to interact with Fr. Vogel using this method. Use the following links to access the presentations those evenings 7:00 - 8:30 pm CST:
You may sign up at the BASIC series website for a periodic email newsletter with website material updates and reminders of the next session dates: http://sites.google.com/site/basicsacredmusic/
I encourage you to pass this on to anyone who may be interested or helped by this topic.
Dear Fr. Vogel, I really appreciate your course in Sacred Music. Can you also provide a download for the music that you used at the end for Compline? Thank you.
How wonderful! Thank you so much for making these videos available online. This information is so important, and when it is found, it is not always user-friendly, especially for those with limited background. I think that having these videos out there could be very powerful and helpful for many people.
The latest session on Vatican II is now up. Initially there were some issues with the upload, so if someone tried to watch it previously, part of it was missing. It is now all there.
To participate in the discussions on Catholic church music, sign in or register as a forum member, The forum is a project of the Church Music Association of America.