He is the pastor, Isn't he?
Financial boycotts are powerful tools in the hands of the faithful!
A national lay organization holding in trust all sacred art and music of historic proportions, is an interesting idea.
Like a previous post said, unless you are a contributing member of the parish, it is not dignified nor is it catholic, to try to arm wrestle a pastor into doing something one does not like
I don't think anyone from outside his territorial parish is pretending that we can arm wrestle him into anything.
It's rather sad to see exorbitant amounts of money spent on renovations that were clearly not needed, taking the financial state of the parish to a much worse place.
More sad news from Manhattan's East Side::
If you are currently supporting the parish financially, re-direct that financial support to an appropriate recipient
Would the last soul to leave the church turn the lights off and make sure the windows are closed that Satanic smoke may not bleed further upon Park Avenue?
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