Ave verum corpus (Giffen) - for SSMzMzAA and for TTBarBarBB voices
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,193
    Here is an arrangement/recomposition of my 6-part Ave verum corpus for 6-part women's voices arranged as two SMzA choirs. Originally this work was for 6-part mixed choir (SSATBB) and posted in this thread. For the most part, the recomposition involved transposing the original bottom three (TBB) voices up an octave.

    As far as I know, the original work for mixed voices has been performed, twice, in Switzerland (in 2012 & 2014), and I have yet to learn of a performance in the United States or Canada.

    The arrangement for women's voices had been in my mind for some time and has finally come to light in response to a request for a work for women's voices. PDF score and MP3 mock performance attached.

    N.B. Corrected files uploaded 2015-08-04.
    Giffen-Ave verum corpus-high.pdf
    Giffen-Ave verum corpus-high-128kbps.mp3
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    This is lovely!

    Those Es and Ds in the contra part might be hard to talk some ladies into, though.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,193
    Thank you, CCooze! Those Es and Ds in the contra part can be doubled at the octave if necessary.
  • Beyond luscious.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,193
    Here is a 6-part men's voices version of my Ave verum corpus. Except for the treatment of the canon by prolongation at B, it is essentially a transposition down an octave from the 6-part women's voices version posted above.

    N.B. Corrected files uploaded, 2015-08-04.
    Giffen-Ave verum corpus-low.pdf
    Giffen-Ave verum corpus-low-128kbps.mp3
    Thanked by 1MarkThompson
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,193
    Denice Raimondi Grant has graciously recorded the women's voices version of my Ave verum corpus and it is now available on YouTube. Enjoy.


  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    Great to see this.
    Dat contra part is something I'd totally have a crack at!
    Thanked by 2JulieColl CHGiffen
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,098
    Kudos for the voicings - that's something much more needed for amateur choirs, which is most of them.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen