My sister is making her first vows as a religious sister on July 16, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in the Ordinary Form. I am tasked with leading the choir, and need a bit of help.
I wanted to sing the Introit, Offertory, and Communion in Latin (Gregorian Chant propers). I was wondering if anyone knew which propers are assigned for a Mass of first vows in the O.F.? Also, would the feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel take precedence over the propers for the vows?
Would anyone be able to get me scores for the three propers that should be done?
I've attached the two pages in the GR 1974 which list the Propers for the Consecration of Virgins and Religious Profession. You can download the GR1947 from Corpus Christi Watershed (Here: ) and you'll be able to look up the pages which have the chant listed on my attached pages. I want to say Our Lady of Carmel should take precedence if she's a Carmelite. Otherwise, I believe the Ritual Mass (right?) would supersede the Memorial.
Propers for Consecration of Virgins and Religious Vows.pdf
If your sister is entering the Carmelites, the Solemnity (for the Order) of Our Lady of Mount Carmel takes precedence over the Ritual Mass. Otherwise, the Ritual Mass is used.
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