Music Thief
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Yesterday morning as we prepared to leave for Mass, we discovered that our car had been broken into overnight. My husband's school bag was missing as well as my bag of organ music---the accumulation of a lifetime. I am stunned by the loss of my beloved music bag which was no doubt thrown into a dumpster at the first opportunity since nothing in it is of any possible use to the cretin who took it.

    The biggest irony of all is that the imbecile completely missed the thousands of dollars worth of electronic equipment in the back of the van. We had a Yamaha workstation and amp and several stands that were left completely untouched, thankfully. We don't usually leave things in the car but it was locked and in our driveway and we don't worry much about burglars in our neighborhood---esp. our old minivan which is hardly an object of much value.

    Well, it's a lesson to me to be more careful in the future, and I'm mourning the loss of my music today. : (
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,937
    Prayers for you, Julie.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Julie, my son-in-law (very successful DJ/KJ) just lost an entire PA/DJ rig in a pub burglary Saturday night. I'm fear that the realities of the sociology and economy of this era in the states will only make things worse to come. My condolences.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • Jani
    Posts: 441
    Oh that's awful Julie. Having your vehicle broken into is bad enough (been there) but to have your music stolen...I'm sorry :(
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • St. Anthony, pray for us. St. Cecilia, pray for us.

    I'm sorry for the frustration of your loss, Julie. And to have to go to Mass after finding that. It's tough to let the Mass be a consolation rather than a reminder that you are having uncharitable thoughts. (Edit: not that I am assuming you had the latter.)
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    I am so sorry for this. :( (((hugs)))
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Thanks so much for the consolation and hugs! I appreciate it very much. Yes, I was indeed having some unprintable thoughts on the way to church, but my husband said, "Let's pray for the burglar," so we did even with a lot of interior grumbling on my part. My kids said maybe he/she will read the books about Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict which were in my husband's bag and convert and then become a church musician. We can only hope, but I think our books are more likely sitting in the land fill.

    Finding new resources and repertoire isn't a totally bad thing. I just miss most the scores that I worked so hard on with all the notes from my organ teacher who is now deceased.

    There are certainly worse things in life, though---on Saturday a neighbor drove up whom we hadn't seen in months and told me of her year from hell dealing with her teenage son's battle with cancer. He was diagnosed last year on Memorial Day and has spent months at Sloan Kettering. He's now in remission, thank God, but it was a very narrow escape. He is a violin virtuoso and a Latin scholar and got a near perfect score on the SAT while undergoing chemotherapy. She showed me a video of him playing his violin recital at Julliard last week. He has lost part of his hearing but he performed with extreme artistry and incredible pathos and sweetness. Just amazing. So we were a bit shaken up by that. It's been quite a Pentecost weekend.
  • Wow, Julie. Indeed, I've been discovering for myself (I knew it, but hadn't felt it) lately that bad events truly do bring out some good, even if only by their ability to put everything else in perspective. The impetus to find new resources may bring about some revelation that wouldn't have come about otherwise. Of course, I didn't want to suggest that before I knew how you felt about it all :)

    Thank you for your story about the neighbor's son. Incredible.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • Cantus67Cantus67
    Posts: 209
    I'm so very sorry to here about this. Many, many years ago when I was moving west I had my car broken into. I lost 300+ very rare CD's a lot of which are out of print, and completely unattainable now, and I lost my wonderful Conrad Johnson MF-200 amp which was pure music. I felt so emptied of so much music that I loved to listen to but I gave it back to God for the sake of holiness.
    Well, 25ish years later, I have replaced the music, and the speakers, and the amps and everything else (thank Our Lord they didn't get my rare sheet music {as you say, thieves aren't interested in true value}), and I'm a better person to know that....... God giveth, and God taketh away. Blessed be God.
    You have my prayers.

    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Sayingvan Ave for you.
    This may not be of help, but all organ repertoire that in pub domain in now available for free download on IMSLP.
    You can't replace your fingering, but you might be able to replace a large portion of your repertoire.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,237
    Very sorry to hear of this. Culture is so fragile.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    Culture is so fragile.
    That is so true. How easily it is destroyed.

    I'm truly sorry for your misfortune and loss, Julie.
  • 'Culture is so fragile.'

    'How easily it is destroyed.'

    Lord of the Flies!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Aaww! Sorry to hear that, Julie.
    We are many who understand your discomfort from such a loss.

    There you are, a prayer to St Anthony of Padua:

    O blessed St. Anthony,
    the grace of God has made you a powerful advocate
    in all our needs and the patron
    for the restoring of things lost or stolen.
    I turn to you today with childlike love and deep confidence.
    You have helped countless children of God
    to find the things they have lost,
    material things, and, more importantly,
    the things of the spirit: faith, hope, and love.
    I come to you with confidence;
    help me in my present need.
    I recommend what I have lost to your care,
    in the hope that God will restore it to me,
    if it is His holy Will.


    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,204
    My car was broken into some years ago and my briefcase was stolen. All it had was organ music in it. But in particular I had a score that Madame Durufle had written in annotations and had signed the score as I had taken a masterclass with her. Worthless to anyone except me. I still am sad about that when I play the piece....

    Yes, culture is fragile.
    Thanked by 2JulieColl CHGiffen
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Many thanks for the beautiful prayer, Jacques. St. Anthony is an old buddy of mine, but I've never come across this prayer. See---I've already found something valuable I wouldn't have had before!
  • TCJ
    Posts: 993
    Sorry to hear about that. I always keep my music either at home or locked in my music closet in the church because I'm a very untrusting person and I always think someone's going to snatch my stuff (people will even take pencils from the organ -- only the mechanical ones disappear though). Even if someone doesn't snatch it, people have a way of being careless with others stuff.

    In regard to your loss, is there a way of knowing exactly what you had? I'm fairly certain I have duplicates of some music. If I have two of something, I'd be willing to let you have the duplicates, although I can't recall exactly what I have at the moment. It's not much, but maybe it could help you get started again. IMSLP is certainly a good resource, but it's not the same as having a book in my opinion.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Thanks so much for the kind offer! I just found out I'll have some help with reiumbursement so that will be very helpful. The biggest items were the Liber Cantualis and the Solesmes chant accompaniment books which I use sometimes. Now we can see why 32 Contrabombarde's chant accompaniment videos are so necessary! If I was like him or Aristotle I wouldn't need any books at all! The good news is that I think Nova Organi Harmonia will very handily cover all my bases for chant accompaniment and might even be an improvement or at least equally good.

    The other things are organ repertoire but I'm going to have fun looking around for some new resources. I lost several volumes of The Parish Organist, but I can get used copies on Amazon, and the other things are easy enough to find as well. Thanks so much and if I remember anything else that it was in there, I'll let you know, but it was all mostly of sentimental value.

    God bless you for your kindness!
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    I'm sorry to hear about this theft. Music can be hard to replace--who knows what's still in print!

    Julie, were the accompaniments by Henri Potiron? I believe they are available for free download from CCWatershed. (They are the old books set up for the EF, which I think is fine for you!)

    I wish I could help more, but I don't have duplicates (as far as I know) of anything. I'll see what I have.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Thanks so much for your generosity, Salieri, and I'll look up those things on CCW.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    Let me offer some advice, having been in that situation twice:

    Look around the area. Dumpsters, yards, businesses. Someone probably grabbed the bag, thinking it could have a laptop, then looked through it and dumped it. It's likely lying in an alley somewhere. Maybe put up a Craigslist post, too?

    Once I had my car broken into, and thankfully the thieves rummaged through the bag and saw there was nothing to interest them. The second time, a friend and I left our bags in the car, which got a smash-n-grab, taking both of our music-laden bags - and my friend had a recital coming up in two days!!

    Thankfully, I had left some pay stubs in my bag, and I got a call the next Monday from a legal firm which had found my bag and the stubs, then called my place of employment to return the bags to me. Funny thing is that the thieves stole a $20 phone charger - and left the $500 worth of music alone!
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Great idea, Hartley, esp. about putting up some notices locally and looking around. That was a fortunate intervention for you that a law-abiding person found your bag! I have my name and number on some things in the bag so maybe someone will call someday.
  • PhatFlute
    Posts: 219
    Many of prayer of mine are in store for you !

    One lesson is : hold your family close and hold your belonging's closer ... For, people out there are the capability to be bad
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • The Lesson!: leave nothing in sight, put everything in the trunk. Gone are the days when one could park one's car, leave the windows down, the doors unlocked, and the keys in the ignition. As even my grandmother said many decades ago, 'this is not the country I grew up in'.

    Julie, would you want to list some of the more precious things you lost? If any of us have duplicates we would gladly send them to you.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Y'all are the most kind-hearted folks in the world! Thanks so much for the offer. The thing is that I've realized I don't use most of the books that I lost since I only have a keyboard now. I've been toting those books around in the vain hope that someday I'll play a real organ again, but by that time that happens I'll probably be too old and rickety to play it. : )

    The church will reimburse me to replace my music so I've been looking for some good repertoire books. Any favorite collections you can suggest for preludes, postludes and interludes (manual only) suitable for the EF? (I'm partial to the Baroque end of things.)
  • TCJ
    Posts: 993

    I have a duplicate set of Bach's 8 Little Preludes and Fugues. You are welcome to have them if you wish. They have very few notes in them (if any) because I used to have THREE copies of them and this particular one I hardly used. When I did use it, I wouldn't add notes because I had them memorized from my old copy.

    Since my move I haven't been able to organize my music, plus the church is a mess (construction) so I don't have any organization there. It'll take me some time before I can really go through my collection.
  • Feast of St Anthony of Padua today, 13th June. Little reminder to St Anthony here: can you help Julie to recover her organ music, please? Thank you.

    « O God, make thy Church to be glad at the solemn memorial of thy blessed Confessor and Doctor Anthony, causing her ever to be strong through thy ghostly succour, and fitting her to relish blessedness at thy right hand for evermore. »

    Patronage of St Anthony: (Wikipedia)
    American Indians; amputees; animals; barrenness; Brazil; elderly people; faith in the Blessed Sacrament; fishermen; Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land; harvests; horses; lost articles; lower animals; mail; mariners; oppressed people; poor people; Portugal; pregnant women; seekers of lost articles; shipwrecks; starvation; sterility; swineherds; Tigua Indians; travel hostesses; travellers; Watermen.

    « The reason St. Anthony's help is invoked for finding things lost or stolen is traced to an incident that occurred in Bologna. According to the story, Anthony had a book of psalms that was of some importance to him as it contained the notes and comments he had made to use in teaching his students. A novice who had decided to leave took the psalter with him. Prior to the invention of the printing press, any book was an item of value. Upon noticing it was missing, Anthony prayed it would be found or returned. The thief was moved to restore the book to Anthony and return to the Order. The stolen book is said to be preserved in the Franciscan friary in Bologna. »
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Multas gratias tibi ago! Great story about St. Anthony. I never knew why he was invoked for help for lost items. I haven't recovered my books, but I think St. Anthony is helping me find some great new organ pieces, thanks to suggestions here on the forum. I've found some good things online, too, so my new book bag is rapidly filling up again and I'm having fun adding to my repertoire.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482

    St. Anthony, St. Anthony,
    herd them swine
    Who absconded with stuff
    that is rightfully mine.
    Thanked by 2CharlesW JulieColl
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482

    St. Anthony, St. Anthony,
    Sever Away
    the hands that took
    the music I play.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    lower animals

    St. Anthony, St Anthony
    whip the brute
    Who plundered my car
    for some musical loot.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    an incident that occurred in Bologna

    St. Anthony, St. Anthony,
    hasten to help me
    someone took my music --
    what a bunch of baloney.

  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Thanks for the little ditties, Adam! You should collect them in a book.
    Thanked by 2eft94530 Adam Wood
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,937
    travel hostesses

    Stewardess, stewardess,
    Come around
    Need five more gins
    before we hit the ground
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood