Finally, I wish to note that there are very few priests who are willing to celebrate the Mass in the extraordinary form
and even fewer still who do speak and/or understand Latin.
1. Legalistic Liturgical Minimalism (This is my own term, as far as I know.) This underlying and perhaps unconscious philosophy of “legalistic liturgical minimalism” is the idea that one needs to do only what are the minimal requirements by law. This is a philosophy, upheld nowhere in Church writings on the liturgy, that has unfortunately held strong influence over the way we celebrate the liturgy. For example, certainly a Sunday Mass that is not a Sung Mass is still valid and allowed by church law, but it really is an impoverishment of what the Church desires our experience of the Sunday liturgy to be.
For some reason, my gestalt sense gets all weird when I hear bells in an otherwise EXTREMELY LOW MASS situation.
O Adam! You should know that the use of bells to cue the people into what's going on is an EXTREMELY LOW MASS invention: At a sung Mass the people don't need a bell to be rung to tell them when the Sanctus is starting! (Unless the choir's diction is so bad that you don't know what they're singing in the first place!)
"It is truly hard to understand this nostalgia [for the old mass]: Might it be a form of snobbishness, or simple ignorance, or blind conservatism, or denial of the very nature of the liturgy? Whatever may be the case, this incomprehensible mentality must be awarded the same patient respect as any other psychological state. But this does not mean that some persons, even among recognized authorities [this was written before Benedict became pope], should be allowed to continue causing dissension among the people of God out of a groundless nostalgia, on the pretext that they find the "new liturgy" disconcerting" (Adrian Nocent, OSB, professor emeritus at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy in Rome, A Re-Reading of the Renewed Liturgy, Liturgical Press, 1994).
There have been numerous attempts to restore the Mass of Pius V, out of the motives enumerated above. They continune to divide the Church, whose authority seems to be weak when it comes to these particular troublemakers, although it can at times be harsh when other issues are at stake.
Regarding the criticism that the Old Mass does not provide opportunities for active participation, that is certainly a valid point since in many North American Latin Mass venues there is very little encouragement of participatio actuosa, and in some places it is actually forbidden.
6 Masses on Sunday is an insane amount to have at one church.
6 Masses on Sunday is an insane amount to have at one church. It seems the bishop is trying to ease the load on some priests and save one parish by moving the EF to an under-utilized church. A far cry from 'dismantling Summorum Pontificum'.
there is very little encouragement of participatio actuosa, and in some places it is actually forbidden.
Related to this is the argument that we are depriving people of their right to active participation with the TLM, since only the Novus Ordo embodies the principles of the Council on this score.
Except that it doesn't, at least not the way it is celebrated in most US parishes.
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